info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Pre-Sentience?

. The world has been at war with itself four times now, and from the fires of the last great war rose two supernations; Diamond and the North Eurasian Combine. Hundreds of millions live prosperously on either end of the world, but anything in between has been left to the wolves or annexed.

. One terrible day, a group of ordinary students were tricked by a messenger of Sheol into spilling blood upon an ancient device that safeguarded the world from Sheol's monstrous residents; demons. The beasts of this underworld used their naiveté to begin their second great attack upon the physical world in many millions of years, taking humanity at large by surprise all across the globe.

. A small group of people with superhuman abilities emerged early on in the chaos, and have been viewed as both a beacon of hope and a harbinger of the world's doom; the public's speculation knows no true logic.

. The nature of their powers is not known to the wider world, but it is clear that they are affiliated with the recently unearthed precursor race who influenced the evolution of many species under the order primates in secret for time untold.

. With the world once again at war --and with Hell itself, no less--, humanity faces the business end of the circle of life after an unfathomable amount of time away from it.

  Our gods are long dead, it's Man's problem now.

book History
History - What is Pre-Sentience’s history?

--2100 AD--

World War 4 occurs, destroying dozens of countries. Canada and the United States agree to merge borders and become one megacountry, benefiting several hundreds of millions. The Confederation of North America is formed.

--2108 AD--

The North Eurasian Combine comes to power on the other end of the world.

--2122 AD--

The CNA challenges many damaged, re-building countries' corrupt leaders after hundreds of aid worker deaths, eventually boiling into further wars lasting half a decade.

--2127 AD--

The CNA defeats and annexes Mexico, the entirety of Central America and the northwestern countries of South America. The captures countries beyond Mexico become "prison states" with second-to-third world economies and infrastructure, slightly better than they were pre-war.

Various small civil wars and infighting occur in droves for decades.

--2160 - 2170 AD--

The Greater Vancouver area is renamed to Great Sapphire Bay and gradually degrades in life quality.

The CNA is renamed to Diamond, inspiring hope for a perfect future in all states and provinces belonging to it. Only minor conflicts have faced Diamond since this point.

--2230 AD--

After decades of silence, a massive civil war explodes without warning across Central and South

American prison states, killing hundreds of millions and costing even more. All prison states are lost short of Guatemala, Cuba, Great Haiti, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Jamaica.

Venezuela, Ecuador and Columbia and any state north of them in Central America are swept through by Diamond in a grudge effort to clean out any traitors that may have made their home in the now abandoned prison states.

--2235 AD--

Off-shore prison states reclaimed and put under heavier rule than before.

-- 2254 AD --

HIV and AIDS are stamped out with a series of leaps in medical science.

Nearly every unsolved form of cancer follows shortly after, having the full attention of the medical science community.

-- 2260 AD --

Diamondian researchers in Peru discover an unidentifiable ruins underneath an Incan city, a lottery is held to gather 300 young adults to be the first to witness it.

Pre-Sentience begins.

((NOVEMBER, 2260))

The War on Hell is declared globally (Diamond and The Eurasian Combine)

Hell is released from a construct supposedly called the Lock being activated in some way by some group of humans, and over the course of several weeks the foul beings that have been coming up from underground have come to be known as Reds, a group of superhumans with powers unexplained to the media have been battling them and creating a glimmer of hope in the sea of red and black death slowly greeting the world.

((DECEMBER, 2260))

The group of superhumans have opened up a blog page that, while rarely updated due to their circumstances, contains three pages owned by one of them that have been providing vital information that helps curb the threat the Reds pose.

Later on in the month, the splinter nation of New Belize was liberated of the Red Horde with the death of a High Lord by the name of Hem'ke. At this moment, the spark of hope created in November became an ember of empowerment to the people, soon to become a bright flame of guidance to rival the sun's lifegiving light.

((JANUARY, 2261))

Little happened this month.

((FEBRUARY, 2261))

Interrupting the moments of peace, Greenland Prison State was taken by surprise by a newly risen, more powerful High Lord known only as Kevolo. A new litter of superpowered humans have combined with the X-Fighters, the pair of groups now referred to as the Hope Liberation Front by the internet.

The city of St. Argent, capital of Greenland Prison State, is in ruins.

290,000 civilian casualties are suffered before a full evacuation could be completed, 97% were deaths of some sort.

((MARCH, 2261))

Nathan and Rain retreat from the warzone, the latter is not seen again.

Mirari... kills herself, apparently.

Kurbens finally unravels and embraces Oblivion after his very existence is contradicted; from being truly happy for the first time.

The X-Fighters, with minor aid from the Diamond Navy, destroy Kevolo and liberate the world once again. They return to their own lives at last for another five years!

((NOVEMBER, 2266))

Unnatural activity reported from colonists and aid workers in the Greece and Egypt areas respectively.

The Shattered Sun makes its first attack.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in Pre-Sentience?

2260 AD, ask Spooky

Update: 2261 AD in Greenland Arc

Update: 2266 in Russia, Ukraine and Egypt Saga

Update: 2270 in Peru Saga

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Pre-Sentience?

Standard, but exceptions exist

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Pre-Sentience?

Very fucking wonky

edit Notes

Prison states are almost similar to the districts in the Hunger Games series; states or provinces kept in a second-to-third world state, populated by criminals. This removes the issue of having to spend billions monthly maintaining prisons, while avoiding human rights violations and the civil unrest of the well-doing population that they would bring.
Most still-owned prison states have been pillaged by the Reds.

history Changelog
This universe contains...
37 characters reorder
24 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Egypt A budding third-world nation that was, up until April 20th of 2266, entirely untouched by the War on Hell.
terrain Chicago
terrain New Jersey
terrain The North Eurasian Combine Formed from Russia annexing Finland, Sweden, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Latvia (which had taken over Lithuania and Estonia before), Poland, Denmark and the northern half of Germany (which took ove...
terrain Toronto
terrain Jewel The grand, crown 'jewel' of Diamond, the capital city that was once New York City, now 5.6 times its size. Like any city, it has its ups and downs, dense and sparse crime regions, and so on. I, t...
terrain The Lock Until November 11th, 2260, the Lock was a massive device that held an infallible barrier between the material world, metaphysical planes and the rampant, chaotic realm of Sheol. While there ar...
terrain Diamond Diamond is the full mass of North America and a small chunk of Central America. Home to a massive memorial to the X-Fighters.
terrain Greenland Prison State Cold
terrain Shoka'kyeitaszen Incomplete contingency device that could release a planet-scale energy pulse to activate the kyei (soul) of all humans and their genetic relatives.
terrain Lanomha Previously Omaha/Lincoln, I'm assuming
terrain Comox Valley Combined townships into a very... dong-like long city
terrain Sheol Hell, and all its 10 conical levels.
terrain South Africa (country)
terrain The Green Zone A region containing chains of massive radiation hotspots of varying intensity in the mid-south NEC.
terrain Peru A lush, uninhabited rainforest, and unfortunately the first rising ground of the Red Horde. Home to The Lock and five now inaccessible Cells, Peru is referred to as Jade Zero by military types due ...
terrain Quebec City
terrain Africa (Pre-Sentience) Nigh-extinct of human life save for tribal societies littered across the continent, the population of New Egypt, and the recuperating region of South Africa.
terrain Great Sapphire Bay Previously known as the Greater Vancouver Area, now a hotspot for drug and human trafficking. An affordable and 'safe' place to live, if you keep your eyes and ears open and walk fast.
terrain Mars Local planet with high iron content and several mining colonies
terrain Nuwanve City The largest city in what used to be called Nunavut, which is roughly the size of Airdrie, Edmonton today. It's primarily a mining city, but light whaling and icefishing will always be a thing.
terrain New Detroit A slightly better Detroit, but larger and still terrible compared to most other cities.
terrain New Belize A second world country risen from the ashes of the abandoned Belize Prison state after the Collective Rebellion. New Belize is a socialist state in its early prime, but at the forefront of the Red ...
terrain Earth Mankind's only true home, save for the Mars mining colonies and the research colonies across the solar system.

6 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events URSA Launcher Shortened for "Unguided Rocket System for Armor", the URSA launcher can be carried and fired over the shoulder of an individual or fixed to a vehicle's weapon rig.
emoji_events Arkuratalan'tai A colored mass of sub-sentient solid matter that houses itself in an old metal tube.
emoji_events Amonkai Cube-shaped machines of an organic but metallic substance. They contain Xen'toma essences and are fully sentient sans a nervous system.
emoji_events Memory Orb An iridescent, hard ball about the size of a large marble.
emoji_events ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix' A firearm that takes advantage of bioelectromagnetic fields produced by the heart and brain to perform its functions. See notes for appearance and abilities for further detail. To get added to t...
emoji_events ShieldNet Non-Lethal Kinetic Voltgun (K-VOLT) The K-VOLT is an electrostatic pellet gun that fires 6mm electrostatic pellets from a 50 round magazine and functions like an electric airsoft gun, as opposed to a firearm, not needing to be chambe...

1 country reorder
flag Countries close
flag Diamond Diamond is the full mass of North America and a small chunk of Central America. Home to a massive memorial to the X-Fighters, and the world's greatest cup of coffee and also burgers.

11 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Flier (Wyrm) A strange, tubular flying beast that throws acids out of its lower mouth and employs its tongue in more personal attacks.
pets Hellhound (Cerberus)
pets Zantaboan (Modern) More 'wiry' than their older relatives, M-Zans are often blindly aggressive unless directly controlled by a Lord. They are still incredibly dangerous and agile with their massive muscly muscles,...
pets Pelgdirth Worm An almost tapeworm-like, foot-long creature that consumes kyei and hijacks the bodies of its victims.
pets Flier (Gryphon)
pets Naga (One-eye)
pets Hellhorse (Longneck)
pets Zantaboan (Archaic)
pets Eyeless Slashers
pets Humans Humans, my man
pets Architeuthis A strangely-shaped, four-legged creature of Sheol that only briefly appeared on Earth. Jace hadn't a chance to take a photograph, and keeps several large sketches in ink and graphite in his home, h...

10 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc X-Fighters The X stands for Xek'terjai, the meaning of which translates closest to "Reclaimers" in Xen'toma. Recently, the group was almost entirely killed.
wc Hand of the Red Sun The largest and most violent band of Red Sun cultists. They are regarded as a high-value terrorist organization.
wc The Red Horde The collective name for the forces of Sheol working to depopulate and take over the world, their motives are unkown.
wc SHIELD National Defense Network Diamond's primary network for communication and cyber-defense under the government. Some commercial instances exist. ShieldNet's HQ is a massive underground complex.
wc The Axis The combined numbers of the X/Y-fighters and the Teryuin Xen'toma form what has been dubbed the "Axis", a play on the X and Y in the superhuman group names.
wc Arjuna Kaiyan A sect of Xen'toma dedicated to the preservation of their race's interstellar constructs, separated from the actually civilized regions. They're like a union of custodians.
wc Y-Fighters The second batch of supernaturally gifted humans to come into existence
wc Teryuin Xen'toma The (Virtually) extinct Xen'toma of Earth, and the most powerful of their many subspecies. They are sided with Humanity. The Teryuin Xen'toma have given themselves this name to differentiate the...
wc Belize National Defense Corps More of a glorified amalgamate of uniformed and properly funded paramilitaries, the BNDC are the primary military force standing between Belize's people and the onslaught of Reds. They are a large ...
wc Armed Forces of Diamond The official, collective name for all branches of Diamond's military, headed by military advisors for each branch and the President.

14 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Saot'sa Kyei-ten Super Saiyan joke, triples the user's power and kyei energies in all fields for as long as they can stay focused or physically hold the form up.
flash_on Quasi-Vampirism Directly sap energy from a target with Kyei to increase existing traits (speed, physical strength etc). Potent, but difficult to manage and arguably inconvenient depending on the user.
flash_on Ritual Magic Complex acts typically involving archaic chants and/or circles. Instructions to perform **actual** rituals are rare, and often vague because of the kind of people that write them.
flash_on The Human Kyeivan The triage of base energies that hold the human kyei together
flash_on Deep Kyei Meditation A technique for activated Humans that gathers white energy from around the user, adding to their existing reserves as excess that the kyei/body use to heal the mind and body.
flash_on Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) A Xen'toma combative technique from ~27 million years ago that doubles the red energy present in and around the kyei, saturating the user with enough red energy that it is visible.
flash_on Soul Eyes, Psychic Vision, Psyko-vision, Kyeigur The ability to "see" kyei for a long distance, and their stress levels. Might be reminiscent of Crime Coefficients in Psycho-Pass or Eagle Vision in Assassin's Creed.
flash_on Rune Magic Ancient, "written" magic that enables a spell (not a power, but actual magic) to be performed via a spiritual link to runes placed on something of Sheolean origin.
flash_on Hope A very unique but low-yield unnamed energy released from the kyei as a waste whenever one yearns for something, usually for a conclusion or outcome. Inactive humans produce this as well.
flash_on Birthlinks Not particularly a type of magic, but it should be listed somewhere. Two or more humans born from the same womb, identical or fraternal, will share a loose link between their individual kyei. ...
flash_on Kyeimalkenso (Soul Sharing) The sharing of two users' powers at a ratio decided by the users.
flash_on Kyeisko (Kyei pulse) A pulse of red/white energy that actually varies in color tinge based on uncertain values. Possibly influenced by mental state or the presence of a Warrior's Kyeivan.
flash_on Sheolean "Polymerzation" My shameless, disgusting knockoff of DBZ fusion. Two bodies and consciousnesses merge together to form one being with a mixed personality between the two.

7 races reorder
face Races close
face Sheoleans The name the lords and other similarly intelligent denizens of Sheol have given themselves to differentiate from the bestial, animalistic drones that crowd it. "Lowlords" and "Highlords" are n...
face Teryuin Xen'toma The Teryuin group of Xen'toma is identified as a sub-species that lived explicitly on Earth.
face Seers Mysterious denizens of Sheol not fully controlled by Lucifer.
face Lycanthropes In nature - A shamanic and sparse race of large, bipedal beastmen living on the green peripheries of Sheol's first level. They are rarely seen or heard from by even demons, and are not recognized a...
face Undead Dead beings (with souls) whose kyei are pulled back together and their bodies reanimated.
face Hellions The go-to name for the bestial members of the Red Horde
face Human Humans, man

1 religion reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Red Sun A cult of desperate Sheol sympathizers who aim to appease the Red Horde's onslaught by offering up the lands and lives of those who work to fend off the denizens of Sheol.

2 scenes reorder
local_movies Scenes close
local_movies "Overdue But Unwelcome"
local_movies Battle for Sul:te3a'teiya'az The endless, dully-lit twilight of the Gateway did no justice for the hellfire raining down and chewing up homes left and right, corroding the metallic substance that over the course of many decade...

1 technology reorder
router Technologies close
router Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower A large neosteel and titanium alloy tower with varying amounts of equipment, flashy lights or in some cases, weapons along its hundreds of "ports".

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