info Overview
Name - What is the name of Arjuna Kaiyan?

Arjuna Kaiyan

Other names - What other names is Arjuna Kaiyan known by?


Description - How would you describe the Arjuna Kaiyan group?

A sect of Xen'toma dedicated to the preservation of their race's interstellar constructs, separated from the actually civilized regions. They're like a union of custodians.

call_split Hierarchy
list Members
location_on Locations
business Purpose
thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
Inventory - What kinds of items does Arjuna Kaiyan keep in inventory?






Tokem'soyelakaai Naanuktok

history Changelog
edit Notes

The Arjuna are not found within star systems, but sparsely peppered between them on Xen'toma-made structures, be they mobile shield worlds or archaic devices.

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This group was created by Sp00ky on

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