The default image used for all foods on, but you can replace it with your own uploads.

Creating Foods on

People of all kinds eat and drink things of all kinds. Come eat, drink, and be merry!

Creating foods on is easy.

To get started, just click Foods under the "Worldbuilding" header in the site sidebar. You'll be able to see or edit all of your existing food pages and create new ones at any time.


Search your foods

If you've got a lot of foods, you can quickly get around to the right one with's full-text search. It searches your entire notebook for anything you wrote about that food.

You can also filter your foods by tag, whether you've favorited that page, and which universe it's in.


Private by default

Your ideas are valuable. Every food you create in is owned by you, completely private by default, and only accessible to you.

But of course, you also have full control over that privacy and can share any food page you want, however you want, whenever you want.


Premium page

Food notebook pages require an active Premium subscription to create, but users on free plans can view and edit their existing food pages at any time. is your personal worldbuilding notebook; any page you create is yours forever and you'll never lose access to any part of it for any reason — even if you downgrade to a free account in the future.


fastfood Get a head start with a rich food template

Templates on are what help our unique worldbuilding system better understand your world.

You can fill out as little or as much as you'd like on every new food. You'll see progress indicators every time you edit it to show where you can make progress on, and our system will intelligently generate questions for you around the site that will automatically save your answers to the proper place on your food page.

Templates are also fully customizable across every food in your notebook.

You can browse the default template for foods here; click any category to see its questions.

  • info Overview
    What is the name of this food?

    How would you describe this food?

    Type of food
    What kind of food is this food?

    Other names
    What other names is this food also known by?

    This field allows you to link your other pages to this food.

    This field lets you add clickable tags to your foods.

  • kitchen Recipe
    What ingredients are in this food?

    How do you prepare this food?

    Cooking method
    How do you cook this food?

    What spices are common in this food?

    How much this food is usually made at a time?

    What colors does this food come in?

    How big is this food?

    What does this food smell like when cooking?

    What are the most common variants of this food?

  • room_service Sales
    How much does this food cost?

    Sold by
    Who sells this food?

    How rare is it to see this food?

    Shelf life
    How long does it take for this food to go bad?

  • restaurant Eating
    Which meal of the day is this food usually served at?

    How is this food served?

    Utensils needed
    What utensils are needed to eat this food?

    What is the texture of this food?

    What does this food smell like when served?

    What are this food's flavors?

  • cake Effects
    How nutritious is this food? What nutrients does it have?

    What conditons can this food cause?

    Side effects
    What are the common side effects of eating this food?

  • history History
    Place of origin
    Where did this food originate?

    Origin story
    What is the origin story of this food?

    What traditions is this food commonly associated with or eaten during?

    What does this food symbolize in your world?

    Related foods
    What other foods are related to this food?

    What reputation does this food have?

  • photo_library Gallery

    This category lets you upload images to this food's notebook page.

    It's great if you have sketches or artwork for your food, but also works well for collecting visual inspiration, too!

  • history Changelog
  • edit Notes
    Write as little or as much as you want!

    Private Notes
    Write as little or as much as you want!
    Private notes are always visible to only you, even if content is made public and shared.

Food features

photo_library Upload images to your food

Foods and other worldbuilding pages all come with a dedicated area to upload and showcase your own uploaded images.

All users start out with 50MB of image storage space available for their notebook (usually around 250-500 images), but Premium users receive an extra 10GB (10,000MB) of storage space for plenty of wiggle room when decking your foods out with all kinds of images.

The images you upload replace any default images the site uses, which makes your notebook truly feel yours when you see all of your fancy foods!

vpn_lock Focus on foods from a single universe

Building entire fictional worlds is hard, and it gets even harder when you've got ideas spanning multiple universes or worlds.

Focusing on a single universe at a time is a good example of how tries to stay out of your way as a worldbuilding tool, while also presenting your ideas front-and-center for you to work on without distractions.

After you've created a couple universes, you can select any one at any time to filter your entire notebook to just foods and other pages that exist within that universe, letting you focus on just what's important right then.

group_add Invite others to collaborate lets you add an unlimited number of collaborators to your universes. Each one has full access to work alongside you on your foods and other pages within that universe.

If you have a Premium subscription active, your collaborators can also share all of your Premium perks while working in your universe, too!

brightness_4 Work in light or dark mode

Protect your eyes at night by choosing between light and dark themes at the click of a button, available across the entire website.

An example of a writing prompt generated for user's fictional race

fastfood Build your food piece by piece with personalized writing prompts

Once you've started creating a food or two, you'll start noticing our worldbuilding tool asking you personalized questions about those foods around the site.

Whenever you write an answer to any of these prompts, they'll automatically be saved to the relevant field on your food notebook page and you won't be asked the same question again.

Our users have created
foods on

of which,
were created in the past 30 days!

favorite We're here to stay. :) has been around since 2016 and we're still growing. We're dedicated to making the best writing tool for authors out there — so we'll be around (and improving) for a very long time.

description Smoothly transition from worldbuilding to storytelling

Every account on comes with unlimited document storage and an integrated word processor for you to bring your fictional worlds to life.

Other integrated tools allow you to build upon the foundation you lay from a world of foods and other notebook pages. Each one offers new ways to enrich your world and write better stories within them.

  • timeline Start working on a timeline and add your foods to the individual scenes that are relevant to them.
  • description Create unlimited documents and link your foods to them.
  • description Quickly pull up and reference any aspect of your linked foods from the editor without ever leaving your document.
  • layers Group your notebook pages together in new ways by adding them to Collections.
  • ballot Share your foods to your followers or the world to get comments and feedback.
  • fastfood See in a single place all the timelines, documents, and collections your food is linked to.