info Overview
Name - What is the name of Teryuin Xen'toma?

Teryuin Xen'toma

Other names - What other names is Teryuin Xen'toma known by?

Terran Xen'toma

Earth Xen'toma

The Precursors on Earth

Description - How would you describe the Teryuin Xen'toma group?

The (Virtually) extinct Xen'toma of Earth, and the most powerful of their many subspecies. They are sided with Humanity.

The Teryuin Xen'toma have given themselves this name to differentiate themselves from the other subraces, in their unique purpose.

call_split Hierarchy
Organization structure

Unspecific, but Pandora seems to hold much authority.


location_on Locations
business Purpose
Goals - What is the primary goal of Teryuin Xen'toma?

Defending Earth and its life alongside Humanity.

shopping_cart Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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