info Overview
Name - What is the name of Armed Forces of Diamond?

Armed Forces of Diamond

Other names - What other names is Armed Forces of Diamond known by?

Diamond's Military, and stuff like that, idfk

Description - How would you describe the Armed Forces of Diamond group?

The official, collective name for all branches of Diamond's military, headed by military advisors for each branch and the President.

call_split Hierarchy
list Members
location_on Locations
business Purpose
Risks - What risks are on the line for Armed Forces of Diamond?

The Red Horde, at the moment

Goals - What is the primary goal of Armed Forces of Diamond?

Eliminating the Red Horde threat and protecting the public of Diamond and its associates.

Motivations - What motivates Armed Forces of Diamond?

Diamond's continued prosperity and national security.

shopping_cart Inventory
Inventory - What kinds of items does Armed Forces of Diamond keep in inventory?

A lot of stuff that'd kill me to list.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Technology chevron_right Groups link linked Armed Forces of Diamond

Group chevron_right Suppliers link linked Armed Forces of Diamond

Group chevron_right Clients link linked Armed Forces of Diamond

Group chevron_right Enemies link linked Armed Forces of Diamond

Group chevron_right Allies link linked Armed Forces of Diamond

This group was created by Sp00ky on

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