info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?

Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower

Other Names - What other names is Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower known by?

SAT Tower, supertower

Description - How would you describe Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower?

A large neosteel and titanium alloy tower with varying amounts of equipment, flashy lights or in some cases, weapons along its hundreds of "ports".

build Production
Manufacturing Process - How is Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower produced and manufactured?

SAT towers are constructed on-site and the materials are brought to the site in levels. The mainframe has to sit somewhere, after all.

Cost - How much does Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower cost?

A single SAT tower starts probably somewhere around a million US dollars and climbs upwards from that based on what's going on it and where it's operating.

Sales Process - How is Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower sold?

Requests are reviewed and processed solely by ShieldNET, and the government doesn't get to peek often.

Materials - What materials is Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower made with?

Neosteel-4340 and titanium alloys

blur_on Presence


speaker_phone Use
How It Works - How does Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower work?

T e c h n o l o g y.

All traffic to and from SAT towers goes through ShieldNET's servers and databanks. These are not monitored unless they need to be.

Purpose - What is Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower used for?

Multi-purpose data-communications framework, in tower form.

SAT towers may be equipped with a variety of automated weapons, or used in civil settings as beacons for the daily telecommunications operations of an entire city.

sd_card Appearance
Size - How big is Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower on average?

These spires can be up to 1,000m tall and 200m wide, depending on year of construction, intended structure location and the various purposes it may be used to carry out.

Physical Description - What does Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower look like?

Appearances vary heavily, but most are networks of neosteel girders with a shell around the shaft of the tower to protect the guts from the elements, these shells tend to be full of ridges and walkways to access outer terminals along the body for various purposes.

Weight - How much does Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower weigh on average?

I don't even wanna try measuring that.

Colors - What colors are Satellite Assisted Transmission (SAT) Tower usually?

Grey, red, black, white, sometimes teal/black/white to suit the flag Diamond uses.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This technology was created by Sp00ky on

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