info Overview
Name - What's the name of Earth?


Description - How would you describe Earth?


layers Geography
Size - How big is Earth?

Medium-sized planet

Surface - What is the surface of Earth like?

Habitable, varies by region.

Climate - What's the climate on Earth like?


Natural Resources - What natural resources are there on Earth?

Natural gas, fossil fuels, animal life, natural vegetation, aquatic life, metals and minerals, oxygen, etc...

Weather - What's the weather like on Earth?


Water Content - What's the water content like on Earth?

72%. 97% of this is saltwater and not suitable for consumption without processing.

hourglass_empty Time
Length Of Day - How long is daytime on Earth?

12 hours

Calendar System - What's the calendar system like on Earth?

Gregorian calendar. 12 months or 365 days, counting the year up from 0 CE.

Length Of Night - How long is night time on Earth?

12 hours

star_border Astral
Visible Constellations - What constellations are visible from Earth?

whatever ones are visible from Earth

Orbit - What does Earth's astral orbit look like?

Roughly circular around the Sun

Moons - Does Earth have any moons? If so, what are they?

The Moon

timeline History
First Inhabitants Story - How did the first inhabitants arrive on this planet?

The Xen'toma detected a rift to Sheol overlapping the planet and settled here to build over it and seal it shut. They then stuck around to influence the evolution of early primates so that humans would come into being eventually, giving them Kyei at some point in their evolutionary journey.

history Changelog
edit Notes
fireplace Climate
Technology chevron_right Planets link linked Earth

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