info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?


Other names - What other names is Diamond known by?

Confederation of North America

Description - How would you describe Diamond?

Diamond is the full mass of North America and a small chunk of Central America. Home to a massive memorial to the X-Fighters, and the world's greatest cup of coffee and also burgers.

face Culture
Currency - What currency is used in Diamond?

"Diamas" or DIA

1 DIA = 4.5 USD in 2018

Population - What is the population of Diamond?

840.6 million

terrain Geography
Area - How big is Diamond?

25,000,000 km²

Climate - What is the climate like in Diamond?

Highly varying, primarily temperate rainforest

Crops - What crops does Diamond import or export?

Everything that'd grow in the regions



timeline History
Established year - When was Diamond founded?

2100~2170 AD

Notable wars - What notable wars has Diamond participated in?
history Changelog
edit Notes
Technology chevron_right Countries link linked Diamond

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