info Overview
Name - What is the name of X-Fighters?


Other names - What other names is X-Fighters known by?

"The superhumans" and sometimes "The reclaimers"

Description - How would you describe the X-Fighters group?

The X stands for Xek'terjai, the meaning of which translates closest to "Reclaimers" in Xen'toma.

Recently, the group was almost entirely killed.

call_split Hierarchy
Organization structure

There is no real leader, but oftentimes Jace winds up calling the shots.



business Purpose
Risks - What risks are on the line for X-Fighters?

The Reds have around ten billion bones to pick with them, and there are even people who believe them responsible for the state of the world.

This places them in a position of danger from not only what they're fighting, but from the same people they protect.

Obstacles - What obstacles stand in the way of X-Fighters?

The Red Horde and their many lords, high and low.

Travel times are also a bitch.

Motivations - What motivates X-Fighters?

Not losing the planet

shopping_cart Inventory
Inventory - What kinds of items does X-Fighters keep in inventory?

Arkuratalan'tai (Arkuras)
Lots of silver ammunition

history Changelog
edit Notes

Carmae Grace openly supports the X-Fighters' endeavors wherever they may go, and will provide support to the best of his ability with New Belize at his back.

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