info Overview
Name - What is The North Eurasian Combine’s full name?

The North Eurasian Combine

Type - What type of location is The North Eurasian Combine?


Description - Describe The North Eurasian Combine.

Formed from Russia annexing Finland, Sweden, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Latvia (which had taken over Lithuania and Estonia before), Poland, Denmark and the northern half of Germany (which took over the Netherlands before).
The northernmost area is divided into prison states, borrowing Diamond's idea.

Plenty of farms worked by prisoners, who are paid for their labor in a divide of money/time deducted from sentence.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in The North Eurasian Combine?

Russian (and several dialects), Latin and limited English.

Population - What is The North Eurasian Combine’s population?

~562 million

Currency - What currencies are used in The North Eurasian Combine?

Neo Rubles (н₽ or nR)

Approx 1.6 USD (0.35 DIA)

Sports - What sports are played in The North Eurasian Combine?

Many similar to Diamond, but lacrosse and hockey have made a huge kick-up.

business Cities
map Geography
Climate - What is the climate like in The North Eurasian Combine?

Varying, mostly cold bullshit up north.

Area - What kind of area is The North Eurasian Combine in?

Vast, highly varying but mostly cold plains.

Crops - What crops does The North Eurasian Combine produce?


Located at - Where is The North Eurasian Combine located?

Along Northern Eurasia

book History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has The North Eurasian Combine been involved in?



Various rebellions, will elaborate if an RP here happens.

Established Year - When was The North Eurasian Combine established?

~2108 AD

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Culture
Group chevron_right Locations link linked The North Eurasian Combine

Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked The North Eurasian Combine

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