info Overview
Name - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s full name?

Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)

Age - How old is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)?


Gender - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s gender?


Role - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s role in your story?

Mysterious add-in

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca) have?

Neck scruff

Hair Style - How does Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca) style their hair?

Side-combed, medium

Hair Color - What color is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s hair?


Height - How tall is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)?


Body Type

Well-kept and muscled

Skin Tone


Linked Races

Race - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca) have?

Painting, old Slavic sword arts and being a jackass

Motivations - What motivates Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca) most?

Helping the bad guys win

Flaws - What flaws does Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca) have?

Selfish, manipulative and weak to addiction. Can't differentiate between free-spirited women and selfish hoes

Personality type - What personality type is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)?

The Influenced

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s favorite color?

Navy blue

Favorite animal - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s favorite animal?

Shrews and moles

Favorite weapon - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s favorite weapon?

A pair of steel sabers, one dipped in pure silver.

Favorite possession - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s favorite possession?

His life is his most valuable possession.

Favorite food - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s favorite food?

Beet, chicken and potato stew.

Occupation - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s occupation?

Exercising the will of Argorus the Seer

Religion - What religion does Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca) practice?

The Red Sun

info History
Birthday - When is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s birthday?

July 22nd, 2244

Background - What is Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)’s background?

Ivan says he likes to keep his past a mystery, and likely won't change his mind.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Iwan z Rečyca (Ivan of Rečyca)

This character was created by Sp00ky on

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