info Overview
Name - What is the name of Rune Magic?

Rune Magic

Type of magic - What type of magic is Rune Magic?


Description - How would you describe Rune Magic?

Ancient, "written" magic that enables a spell (not a power, but actual magic) to be performed via a spiritual link to runes placed on something of Sheolean origin.

flash_on Appearance
Effects - What effects does Rune Magic have?

The runes glow brightly when activated, and dim for a short period after use.

Visuals - What do the visual effects of Rune Magic look like?

Runes on things.

flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Rune Magic have?

You don't need to say any magic words or perform a ritual, the rune does what you need it to do, when you need it to do it!

Negative effects - What negative effects does Rune Magic have?

The magic embedded in runes will unravel and disappear if used too frequently in too short a time.

Neither a rune nor its magic can be removed from an item without destroying and recreating it.

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Rune Magic most closely aligned to?

Rot, Deception and Blood.

lock Requirements
Skills required - What skills are required to use Rune Magic?

A link to the runes, for one.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked Rune Magic

This magic was created by Sp00ky on

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