info Overview
Name - What is the name of Ritual Magic?

Ritual Magic

Type of magic - What type of magic is Ritual Magic?

Intra-plane, type of magic in and of itself

Description - How would you describe Ritual Magic?

Complex acts typically involving archaic chants and/or circles. Instructions to perform actual rituals are rare, and often vague because of the kind of people that write them.

flash_on Appearance
flare Effects
Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Ritual Magic have?

Varies highly on who is performing the ritual, what they are trying to accomplish and why.

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Ritual Magic most closely aligned to?

The Meta-plane and the webs connected to it

lock Requirements
Skills required - What skills are required to use Ritual Magic?


Materials required - What materials are required to use Ritual Magic?


Resource costs - What resource costs are required to use Ritual Magic?


Limitations - What limitations does Ritual Magic have? What can't it do?

The accuracy of the ritual being performed

history Changelog
edit Notes

Ritual magic is recognized as a high criminal offense, due to its direct affiliation with Sheol, an entity that threatens the very concept of life.

Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked Ritual Magic

This magic was created by Sp00ky on

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