info Overview
Name - What is the name of Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed)?

Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed)

Type of magic - What type of magic is Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed)?

Kyei Technique

Description - How would you describe Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed)?

A Xen'toma combative technique from ~27 million years ago that doubles the red energy present in and around the kyei, saturating the user with enough red energy that it is visible.

flash_on Appearance
Effects - What effects does Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) have?

The energy output sends invisible waves of red energy that binds with the air for a few seconds, enabling a slight wind-like effect. Activated humans can feel the intense output.

Non-activated humans can see it, but cannot feel the thing.

Visuals - What do the visual effects of Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) look like?

Chaotic red aura, just look up Kaioken. (Regular people can see this)

flare Effects
Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) have?

Alerts Hellions in a 100 yard radius due to sudden intensity.

Positive effects - What positive effects does Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) have?

Doubles the user's output in all fields, including power intensity and physical capability.

Negative effects - What negative effects does Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) have?

Physically draining if the user isn't used to the technique, requires practice and a cool head to control the volume of red energy provided.

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) most closely aligned to?

Red energy of human or Xen'toma kyei

lock Requirements
Skills required - What skills are required to use Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed)?

Knowledge of technique motion. Must desire to perform the technique, or it will not pull through.

Resource costs - What resource costs are required to use Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed)?


Limitations - What limitations does Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed) have? What can't it do?

Without keeping a cool and collected head during use, and staying properly fed and oxygenated, the technique's effect will disappear in less than 30 seconds. Nonetheless, it is possible to hold it for more than a minute.

history Changelog
edit Notes

More or less anyone can do this, but the first several uses will inevitably be too much for the body to hold together, and extremely exhausting. Overdoing this will physically harm the user by stretching their muscles (since it's affecting the kyei, its effects are felt physically as well), but not as badly as Saot'sa Kyei-ten can.

Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked Sao'tsa Zhen (Temporary Exceed)

This magic was created by Sp00ky on

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