info Overview
Name - What is Weston McAllen’s full name?

Weston McAllen

Age - How old is Weston McAllen?

46 (Pre-Sentience RP)
29 (Saints RP)

Gender - What is Weston McAllen’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Weston McAllen go by?


Role - What is Weston McAllen’s role in your story?

Idol Mercenary of Belize

Ex Detective for GSBPD

Owner of a maize warehouse

Mentor figure for X-Fighters

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Weston McAllen’s eye color?

Muddy green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Weston McAllen have?

Stubble goatee

Hair Style - How does Weston McAllen style their hair?

Messy or loosely kept

Hair Color - What color is Weston McAllen’s hair?

Greying chocolate

Height - How tall is Weston McAllen?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Weston McAllen have?

Mechanical right hand

Body Type

Built to work

Skin Tone

Slightly tanned

Linked Races

Race - What is Weston McAllen’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Weston McAllen have?

Handgun shooting, gun spinning, a sharp eye and analytic skills

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Weston McAllen have?

Family man

Motivations - What motivates Weston McAllen most?

Belize being a liveable place

Hobbies - What hobbies does Weston McAllen have?

Polishing, brewing alcohol, smoking

Personality type - What personality type is Weston McAllen?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Weston McAllen’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Weston McAllen’s favorite animal?

Large dogs

Favorite weapon - What is Weston McAllen’s favorite weapon?

Any six shooter

Favorite possession - What is Weston McAllen’s favorite possession?

A photograph of his wife and children, left behind when he was sentenced to live in Cuba prison state.

Favorite food - What is Weston McAllen’s favorite food?

Pork roast

Occupation - What is Weston McAllen’s occupation?

Maize warehouse owner
Mercenary in Belize
Ex-detective for Detroit Police Department

Religion - What religion does Weston McAllen practice?


info History
Birthday - When is Weston McAllen’s birthday?

September 20th, 2214

Background - What is Weston McAllen’s background?

Was exiled to Cuba prison state 24 years prior to Pre-Sentience RP's beginning (February 10th, 2236 to be exact), for discovering and nearly leaking incriminating information on Diamond's Head of Pharmacy, Bradley Maroon. Escaped after the Collective Rebellion shook up prison state security forces enough to allow mass breakouts. Has been living in the now independent nation of Belize as a maize warehouse owner and mercenary since.

Education - What is Weston McAllen’s level of education?

Jewel University, Forensics Degree
Central Diamond National Police Academy

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Weston keeps a photograph of his family with him, featuring his wife, two young boys and himself. Their fates or whereabouts are unknown as of now.

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Weston McAllen

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Weston McAllen

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