info Overview
Name - What is the name of Sheolean "Polymerzation"?

Sheolean "Polymerzation"

Type of magic - What type of magic is Sheolean "Polymerzation"?

Ritual Magic

Description - How would you describe Sheolean "Polymerzation"?

My shameless, disgusting knockoff of DBZ fusion. Two bodies and consciousnesses merge together to form one being with a mixed personality between the two.

flash_on Appearance
Effects - What effects does Sheolean "Polymerzation" have?

Oftentimes their clothes wind up overlapping each other, so a small fusee's clothes will probably tear.

Visuals - What do the visual effects of Sheolean "Polymerzation" look like?

Two fusees merge their physical bodies together, dividing their traits among the newly created body sewn of their flesh and soul.

flare Effects
Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Sheolean "Polymerzation" have?

Personality twists between two users unless they're incredibly similar, results can be neutral, beneficial or devastating to the psyche

Mixed appearance. Hey, you know what your kid would look like as an adult, maybe

The resulting poly-being lacks reproductive organs and is thus sexless

Positive effects - What positive effects does Sheolean "Polymerzation" have?

Both users' abilities are fully available (at the levels they've been developed to)

Negative effects - What negative effects does Sheolean "Polymerzation" have?

Both users have control over the body, but it's extremely difficult to get anywhere if they can't agree on who controls the body

Only lasts a maximum of 10 minutes in non-Sheoleans

Physically and mentally straining for non-Sheolean users

Damage taken applies to both users

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Sheolean "Polymerzation" most closely aligned to?

Unity or something

lock Requirements
Skills required - What skills are required to use Sheolean "Polymerzation"?

Knowledge of how to do the thing

Materials required - What materials are required to use Sheolean "Polymerzation"?

One Khalzhem shard

Two sapient creatures.

Resource costs - What resource costs are required to use Sheolean "Polymerzation"?

Two stable-bodied users capable of performing the ritual

60 seconds of preparation

Limitations - What limitations does Sheolean "Polymerzation" have? What can't it do?

Time limit of 5 minutes for non-Sheoleans

history Changelog
edit Notes

Ritual consists of both fusees placing a hand over the back of their partner's neck, and one over the heart, then channeling their whole beings into one another through the other's nape or equivalent area. There may be variations in the ritual based on species.


This magic was created by Sp00ky on

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