info Overview
Name - What is the name of Birthlinks?


Type of magic - What type of magic is Birthlinks?


Description - How would you describe Birthlinks?

Not particularly a type of magic, but it should be listed somewhere.

Two or more humans born from the same womb, identical or fraternal, will share a loose link between their individual kyei.

There are no exceptions.

flash_on Appearance
flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Birthlinks have?

Powers gained by one sibling are shared between the rest, but experience is not.

Negative effects - What negative effects does Birthlinks have?

15% of damage dealt to either sibling's kyei is shared with the other, regardless of distance, conscious state or source of harm.


25% for triplets

35% for quadruplets

And so on.

polymer Alignment
lock Requirements
history Changelog
edit Notes

This magic was created by Sp00ky on

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