info Overview
Name - What is Teryuin Xen'toma named?

Teryuin Xen'toma

Other names - What other names do Teryuin Xen'toma have?

Precursors, Pre-Sentients, The Ancestors, Earth Xen'toma

Description - How would you describe Teryuin Xen'toma's people?

The Teryuin group of Xen'toma is identified as a sub-species that lived explicitly on Earth.

face Looks
General weight - How heavy is the average Teryuin Xen'toma?


Body shape - What does the average Teryuin Xen'toma body shape look like?


Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Teryuin Xen'toma race?

Pale greys, purples, greens. Generally murky-skinned.

General height - How tall is the average Teryuin Xen'toma?


Notable features - What physical features on a Teryuin Xen'toma are most noticeable?

A definite lack of facial features

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Teryuin Xen'toma race?


Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Teryuin Xen'toma individuals?


fingerprint Traits
Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Teryuin Xen'toma?

Their body's composition cannot hold high amounts of some energies the human body thrives with.

Strengths - What are the strengths of Teryuin Xen'toma?

Superior physical and mental aptitude, to the degree of shaping worlds as projects.

groups Culture
Economics - What does the economic situation look like for the Teryuin Xen'toma?


Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the Teryuin Xen'toma?


Governments - What governments are common with the Teryuin Xen'toma?


Beliefs - What beliefs are commonly held by the Teryuin Xen'toma?


Technologies - What kinds of technologies do the Teryuin Xen'toma societies take advantage of?

these niggas living in 12,000 while we stuck in the 2200's

Occupations - What occupations are common with Teryuin Xen'toma individuals?


Traditions - What traditions are common with Teryuin Xen'toma's individuals?


import_contacts History
Notable events - What events are most important to the history of Teryuin Xen'toma?

Physical extinction (except one individual) around ~7745 BC according to Xen'toma records

history Changelog
edit Notes

This race was created by Sp00ky on

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