info Overview
Name - What is ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix'’s full name?

ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix'

Item Type - What type of item is ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix'?

Electromagnetic Suppression Device for Dangerous Persons

Description - Describe ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix'.

A firearm that takes advantage of bioelectromagnetic fields produced by the heart and brain to perform its functions. See notes for appearance and abilities for further detail.

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redeem Looks
Weight - How much does ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix' weigh?

7.8 lbs

Materials - What is ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix' made out of?

A -LOT- of complicated electronics.

book History
Year it was made - When was ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix' made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does ShieldNet 50w. ESD 'Dominatrix' possess?

Reads off of a criminal index, and will only fire if the target is registered as a criminal and/or clearance is given from the HCB (Hazardous Case Bureau) headquarters. There is a facial and retinal recognition scanner on the back of the device, to ensure that the carrier is an authorized user under Diamond's Hazardous Case Bureau, who ultimately reign over the use of the Dominatrix.

If the conditions above are not met, the muzzle will not open and a safety device will be activated to prevent the user from pulling the gun's trigger. The gun is unable to work when it is not linked wirelessly to the HCB in most circumstances. Dominatrixes can use SAT towers to process information faster.

The gun uses BEM (Bioelectromagnetic) fields produced by the heart (and the tiny one the brain makes) to perform its two functions; non-lethal paralyzer, and... well, lethal... mode.

Paralyzer mode targets the field the brain produces and disrupts it with a concentrated DEM (Directional Electromagnetic) pulse that, seen through infrared, looks like an ovular beam that is this after leaving the barrel and when homing in on its target's unique BEM signature. It is widest in the middle, like a rattlesnake egg magnet toy. The DEM pulse's disruption of the brain waves causes the motor functions in the target's limbs to temporarily shut down, enabling safe capture.
Lethal mode targets the field produced by the heart, which is much larger, and the DEM pulse takes an inverse shape to the one above, slamming into the unique BEM field produced by the target's heart and pushing all the way through it to the center, causing the heart to destabilize and enter arrest. The target is killed instantly by acute heart failure and the frying of the autonomic nervous system, centered around the heart.

The Dominatrix is constantly active when a hand is making contact with the grip, and has a standby battery life of 20 hours in the holster from full charge to zero. Held in the hand, the battery will allow it to remain online for 12 hours. Firing a paralyzer shot drains 6% of the battery, whilst the more energy-demanding lethal shots can drain anywhere from 10-14%.
For your safety and the safety of others, always keep an eye on your Dominatrix's battery life before giving chase or engaging a target in an area with electromagnetic interference.

history Changelog
edit Notes
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