Lords, Seers, Commanders
The name the lords and other similarly intelligent denizens of Sheol have given themselves to differentiate from the bestial, animalistic drones that crowd it.
"Lowlords" and "Highlords" are not, in fact, a species. More on that below.
Highly varying
Highly varying, but typically humanoid
Highly varying
Typically above 7ft
Oftentimes unnatural eye colors, limb shapes or skin colors
Highly varying
Similar to humans, but often outdated or "edgy" garments
Their bodies are brittle in the face of arkura, magic, psionic energies and silver. Individuals can sometimes have very unique weaknesses and be immune to magic, psionics and silver.
Supernatural abilities, extremely durable bodies. All ranks of Lords are invisible to mundane eyes and Highlords are capable of transforming into gargantuan beasts to wreak havoc upon Sheol's enemies.
Kyei in any form it can be accessed and metabolized, depending on demon species.
Kingdom, with "Lucifer" as the big cheese.
Survival of the fittest is a prominent theme, but it is taken up a notch in Sheol in that if you do not consume and grow greater, you will eventually be trampled.
Most, but not all, are fine with that.
Varying primitive technologies, nothing above medieval has been witnessed.
--[time immemorial]--
Various wars and skirmishes in and out of their home realm
--2260 AD--
The War on Hell, leading armies of hellions into Earth with a desire to take over and consume its population. Their other motives are unknown.
--2268 AD--
Successfully took over Central Africa.