info Overview
Name - What is the name of "Overdue But Unwelcome"?

"Overdue But Unwelcome"

Summary - In short, what happens in "Overdue But Unwelcome"?

Mirari, Nathan, Lazarus, Jace, Mei and a friend of the third's enter a ruin unrelated to the Incan temple it was found underneath, and are unknowingly led to release an ancient evil no man was ever ready for.

gesture Action
What caused this? - What previous events led to "Overdue But Unwelcome"?

The group's curiosity, headed by Jace (who gathered the party to explore early), to explore before the rest of the students/teachers.

Results - At the end of "Overdue But Unwelcome", what has changed?

The party came to be manipulated by an old and corrupted Xen'toma to spill blood upon The Lock and open it for all who dwell beyond the Gateway it barred. It was only shortly after they left that the denizens of Sheol had rushed across the entire span of The Gateway and exited through the now wide-open Lock, and soon after, all over the world from the unfathomable deeps.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This scene was created by Sp00ky on

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