info Overview
Name - What is the name of Battle for Sul:te3a'teiya'az?

Battle for Sul:te3a'teiya'az

Summary - In short, what happens in Battle for Sul:te3a'teiya'az?

A flashback of the Aomaju Gesaj (Aomaju Battalion, roughly)'s narrow escape from a losing battle for a Xen'toma major city in the Gateway.

OCs with flashbacks of this scene will be seeing through the eyes of any of the six fighters, and your imagination is encouraged. The battle was chaotic and hard to follow with human thought, let alone while dreaming

gesture Action
What caused this? - What previous events led to Battle for Sul:te3a'teiya'az?

An unannounced Sheolean siege against the grand city of Sul:te3a'teiya'az.

Description - What happens in Battle for Sul:te3a'teiya'az?

The endless, dully-lit twilight of the Gateway did no justice for the hellfire raining down and chewing up homes left and right, corroding the metallic substance that over the course of many decades had shaped the city's infrastructure.

The hoots and screams of Wyrms above and the howling of towering, slate-skinned hellhound alphas herding in through the holes in the city's outer walls filled the eyes and ears. The putrid smell of acidic saliva digesting both metal and corpses wafted through every nook and cranny. Six Xen'toma warriors were all that remained of the 80-man brigade that had once occupied the city to give peace of mind to its residents, and they were running out of gas quickly. The air was rife with the cracks and flashes of lightning, the stony ground shifting and an ice-like crystalline substance layering over everything to ensnare flankers. A small building picked up and thrown at a approaching Zantaboan, knocking it out of commission - only to be answered with a flock of acid-flinging Wyrms swooping down and stabbing with their massive, bone-tipped tongues. Great blue waves of luminescent energy pushed back small hordes and exploded into fragments that cut deep into those on the wrong side of them. Fire so hot that it burned blue incinerated large groupings of armored hellions, but this fierce last stand was not enough.

As the last of their energy reserves dried up, great teal beams cut into the advancing hellion lines, decimating several frontline-oriented Lowlords. With this short window of time granted by the unexplained strike, the battle that had lasted several hours was retreated from, and the city overrun.

Results - At the end of Battle for Sul:te3a'teiya'az, what has changed?

A decimated and infested major city that gave the Red Horde a near-permanent foothold over the Gateway, making it almost impossible to keep the Sheoleans at bay without the Lock in place.

And me writing a very bad first Notebook scene.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This scene was created by Sp00ky on

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