info Overview
Name - What is the name of The Human Kyeivan?

The Human Kyeivan

Description - How would you describe The Human Kyeivan?

The triage of base energies that hold the human kyei together

flash_on Appearance
Effects - What effects does The Human Kyeivan have?

Usually good ones.

Visuals - What do the visual effects of The Human Kyeivan look like?

None, unless performing a technique to manipulate the kyeivan to do something.

flare Effects
Neutral effects - What neutral effects does The Human Kyeivan have?

Access to kyei-oriented techniques.

Positive effects - What positive effects does The Human Kyeivan have?

Activation allows for optimized eyesight, focus, better physical and mental longevity, and resistance to ailments both physical and metaphysical.

Activated humans are sensitive to the meta-plane and can see Lords, feel energies radiating from the Kyei of other activated beings, and differentiate human, Sheolean and Xen'toma energy signatures.

Negative effects - What negative effects does The Human Kyeivan have?

Denizens of Sheol can differentiate regular humans from activated ones, making activated humans a slightly bigger target.

Scale - How does the power level of The Human Kyeivan scale?

Very fucking slowly. Like this stuff will be a viable power source on its own in about 50,000 years at the time the events of Pre-Sentience are happening.

polymer Alignment
lock Requirements
Skills required - What skills are required to use The Human Kyeivan?

Activation by a Xen'toma or direct overexposure to things that belong on the meta-plane or Sheol (Hellions not included).

Materials required - What materials are required to use The Human Kyeivan?

A kyei. Non-primates cannot access this, because they don't have one, per se.

history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked The Human Kyeivan

This magic was created by Sp00ky on

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