info Overview

Naga (One-eye)

Type of creature - What type of animal is Naga (One-eye)?

Old Hellion

Description - How would you describe a Naga (One-eye)?
pets Looks
Materials - What materials (feathers, scales, etc) is Naga (One-eye) made of?

Fleshy scales and otherwise soft tissue

Color - What colors does a Naga (One-eye) come in?

Greenish-brown to emerald

Shape - How would you describe the shape of a Naga (One-eye)?

Snake-like with a broad upper body

Size - How big (or small) is the usual Naga (One-eye)?

Typically 6-8ft in length

Notable features - What physical features are most notable for Naga (One-eye)?

Singular large eye in upper-middle body and a large, razor-toothed mouth above it.

fingerprint Traits
Weaknesses - What are the notable weaknesses of Naga (One-eye)?

Can only fit two or three things in its body at a time before it has to fuck off and absorb it.

Can't do shit about bullets

Aggressiveness - How aggressive is the average Naga (One-eye)?

Naga are elusive, but will mercilessly attack unwary and isolated targets in an apparent desperation to feed.

Method of attack - What methods does a Naga (One-eye) use to attack?

Naga usually try to wrap their prey up with their tail, restraining them to allow the beast to simply stuff their head in its mouth and swallow them whole. Their are hyper-paralytic toxins in its mouth.

Methods of defense - How does a Naga (One-eye) defend itself from attackers?

The Joestar method, if you will

Maximum speed - How fast can a Naga (One-eye) move?


Strengths - What are the notable strengths of Naga (One-eye)?

Its eye seems to read melee attacks

Sounds - What sounds does Naga (One-eye) make?

Gargly hisses

location_on Habitat
Food sources - Where does Naga (One-eye) find its food?

Human kyei

call_split Comparisons
Similar creatures - What other creatures is Naga (One-eye) most like?


bubble_chart Classification
history Changelog
edit Notes

low key evolve into Seers

timeline evolution
scatter_plot Reproduction

This creature was created by Sp00ky on

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