info Overview
Name - What is the name of Kyeisko (Kyei pulse)?

Kyeisko (Kyei pulse)

Type of magic - What type of magic is Kyeisko (Kyei pulse)?

Kyei Technique

Description - How would you describe Kyeisko (Kyei pulse)?

A pulse of red/white energy that actually varies in color tinge based on uncertain values. Possibly influenced by mental state or the presence of a Warrior's Kyeivan.

flash_on Appearance
Visuals - What do the visual effects of Kyeisko (Kyei pulse) look like?

Just a short pulse of light from the hand(s), the overview has better detail.

flare Effects
Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Kyeisko (Kyei pulse) have?

Has the potential to inadvertently activate the kyei of the target/receiver if they are a regular human or otherwise a member of the Primates genetic order.

Positive effects - What positive effects does Kyeisko (Kyei pulse) have?

Can be used to force living things awake, deal damage to Reds, send power to biometal constructs, repair damage to arkura and even encourage a plant to grow somewhat. Think of sending ki or hamon through your hands.

Negative effects - What negative effects does Kyeisko (Kyei pulse) have?

Uses a small amount of one's existing energy reserves, and while they recharge pretty damn fast, excessive use in a short time will catch up.

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Kyeisko (Kyei pulse) most closely aligned to?

Red/white energy of human kyei

lock Requirements
Skills required - What skills are required to use Kyeisko (Kyei pulse)?

Understanding of the technique.

Resource costs - What resource costs are required to use Kyeisko (Kyei pulse)?

Almost negligible volume of red/white energy.

Limitations - What limitations does Kyeisko (Kyei pulse) have? What can't it do?

Requires physical contact through bare hands.

history Changelog
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Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked Kyeisko (Kyei pulse)

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