info Overview
Name - What is the name of Duskwing Syndicate?

Duskwing Syndicate

Description - How would you describe the Duskwing Syndicate group?

An antagonistic global military organization bent on converting all of Eridya to worshippers of the Rogues

call_split Hierarchy
account_balance Organization

  • Subjugators (soldiers)

  • Subjugations (military campaigns)


—Uniform Rank 4—
High Commander
- Leads and oversees the Duskwing Syndicates along with the High Lieutenant, Division Commanders, and Commanders
- Organizes missions
- Leads the Duskwing Syndicates on missions throughout Eridya

High Lieutenant – 1 year as division commander
- A Subjugator close to the High Commander who acts as their direct advisor and oversees the Duskwing Syndicates whenever the High Commander is unavailable
- Organizes daily patrols and errands
- Is also a Division Commander
- Oversees and leads Duskwing Syndicate Subjugations

Division Commanders – 3+ high-profile missions
Fatima, Itsuki. Matthias
- Subjugators close to the High Commander and High Lieutenant who act as a council of advisors, oversee and train those under their divisions, and fill in for the High Commander and High Lieutenant should they be unavailable
- Including the High Lieutenant, there are six Division Commanders total, one for each of the seven divisions – cavalry, infantry, magic, logistics, medic, and reconnaissance
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate Subjugations
- One Division Commander oversees the Duskwing Syndicate outposts

- Subjugators close to the High Commander, High Lieutenant, and Division Commanders who similarly act as a council of advisors, directly aid their respective Division Commander, oversee and train those under their divisions, and fill in for the aforementioned leadership positions should they be unavailable
- There are six Commanders total corresponding to all divisions except for the outcast division
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate Subjugations
- One commander oversees the Duskwing Syndicate outposts

Senior Subjugators (7+ years of service)
- Are older Subjugators who have not yet retired, instead choosing to serve the Duskwing Syndicates as long as they can
- Are highly respected and often have good bonds with Duskwing Syndicate leadership
- Oversee and mentor younger Subjugators, as well as fill in for Duskwing Syndicate leadership should they be unavailable
- Lead Duskwing Syndicate brigades, battalions, squadrons, batteries, platoons, or teams as needed

—Uniform Rank 3—
Brigadiers – Rank 3 insignia; 11 years in service
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate brigades

Majors – Rank 2 insignia; 9 years in service
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate battalions

Captains – Rank 1 insignia; 7 years in service
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate squadrons

—Uniform Rank 2—
Sergeants – Rank 3 insignia; 5 years in service
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate batteries
- Are in charge of training cadets

Lieutenants – Rank 2 insignia; 3 years in service
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate platoons

Deputies – Rank 1 insignia; 1 year in service
- Oversee and lead Duskwing Syndicate teams

—Uniform Rank 1—
Privates – Rank 1 insignia; up to 1 year in service
- Enlisted Subjugators who have completed training
- Are sortied into Subjugations, which can be further broken down into brigades, battalions, squadrons, batteries, platoons, and teams

Cadets – no insignia; up to 9 weeks in service
- Enlisted Subjugators currently in training
- Train with their pactbeasts under their respective division commanders
- Are responsible for helping with tasks around Stormhold


—Combat Branch—
- Have Wyvern (aerial) or Polar Bear (ground) pactbeasts
- Wield Duskwing Battleaxe
- Enact close-order charges and defend troops from attacks

- Have Condor (aerial) or Spotted Hyena (ground) pactbeasts
- Wield Duskwing Scimitar
- Engage in general melee combat

- Have Scarlet Ibis (aerial) or Common Slender Mongoose (ground) pactbeasts
- Wield Duskwing Scepter
- Specialize in long-ranged magic combat, offering support from behind the front lines
- Are able to utilize all five elements (fire, water, wind, lightning, and shadow) at will

—Support Branch—
- Have Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox (aerial) or Wolverine (ground) pactbeasts
- Wield Duskwing Scythe
- Assist in the upkeep of supplies and maintenance
- Facilitate communication between soldiers on the front lines and leadership
- Conduct research to visualize, develop, build, test, and deploy new military equipment and technology
- Seek out and recruit new members into the organization

- Have Raven (aerial) or Brown Hare (ground) pactbeasts
- Wield Duskwing Staff
- Heal the wounded on the battlefield
- Can also attack to defend themselves if necessary

- Have Golden Eagle (aerial) or Coyote (ground) pactbeasts
- Wield Duskwing Wakizashi
- Scout terrain for potential campsites, enemy positions, intel, and other points of interest, as well as do other scouting tasks
- Infiltrate enemy territory to gather intel
- Communicate with each other to corroborate on intel as needed
- Are quick and nimble, but fragile

Unit Breakdown

Team – 10
- 5 female & 5 male
- 2 from each continent

Leadership (1)
- 1 deputy

Soldiers (9)
- 2 calvary (1 aerial, 1 ground)
- 2 infantry (1 aerial, 1 ground)
- 2 mages (1 aerial, 1 ground)
- 1 logistician (aerial/ground)
- 1 medic (ground/aerial)
- 1 scout (aerial/ground)

Platoon – 20 (2 teams combined)
- 10 female & 10 male
- 4 from each continent

Leadership (2)
- 1 lieutenant
- 1 deputy

Soldiers (18)
- 4 calvary (2 aerial, 2 ground)
- 4 infantry (2 aerial, 2 ground)
- 4 mages (2 aerial, 2 ground)
- 2 logisticians (1 aerial, 1 ground)
- 2 medics (1 aerial, 1 ground)
- 2 scouts (1 aerial, 1 ground)

Battery – 40 (2 platoons combined)
- 20 female & 20 male
- 10 from each continent

Leadership (4)
- 1 sergeant
- 1 lieutenant
- 2 deputies

Soldiers (36)
- 8 calvary (4 aerial, 4 ground)
- 8 infantry (4 aerial, 4 ground)
- 8 mages (4 aerial, 4 ground)
- 4 logisticians (2 aerial, 2 ground)
- 4 medics (2 aerial, 2 ground)
- 4 scouts (2 aerial, 2 ground)

Squadron – 200 (5 batteries combined)
- 100 female & 100 male
- 40 from each continent

Leadership (20)
- 1 captain
- 4 sergeants, 1 being a vice-captain
- 5 lieutenants
- 10 deputies

Soldiers (180)
- 40 calvary (20 aerial, 20 ground)
- 40 infantry (20 aerial, 20 ground)
- 40 mages (20 aerial, 20 ground)
- 20 logisticians (10 aerial, 10 ground)
- 20 medics (10 aerial, 10 ground)
- 20 scouts (10 aerial, 10 ground)

Battalion – 1,000 (5 squadrons combined)
- 500 female and 500 male
- 200 from each continent

Leadership (100)
- 1 major
- 4 captains, 1 being a vice-major
- 20 sergeants
- 25 lieutenants
- 50 deputies

Soldiers (900)
- 200 calvary (100 aerial, 100 ground)
- 200 infantry (100 aerial, 100 ground)
- 200 mages (100 aerial, 100 ground)
- 100 logisticians (50 aerial, 50 ground)
- 100 medics (50 aerial, 50 ground)
- 100 scouts (50 aerial, 50 ground)

Brigade – 4,000 (4 battalions combined)
- 2,000 female & 2,000 male
- 800 from each continent

Leadership (400)
- 1 brigadier
- 3 majors, 1 being a vice-brigadier
- 16 captains
- 80 sergeants
- 100 lieutenants
- 200 deputies

Soldiers (3,600)
- 800 calvary (400 aerial, 400 ground)
- 800 infantry (400 aerial, 400 ground)
- 800 mages (400 aerial, 400 ground)
- 400 logisticians (200 aerial, 200 ground)
- 400 medics (200 aerial, 200 ground)
- 400 scouts (200 aerial, 200 ground)

Subjugation – 20,000 (5 brigades combined) + 1
- 10,000 female & 10,000 male
- 4,000 from each continent

Leadership (2,000) + 1
- 1 commander/division commander
- 5 brigadiers, 1 being a vice-commander
- 15 majors
- 80 captains
- 400 sergeants
- 500 lieutenants
- 1,000 deputies

Soldiers (18,000)
- 4,000 calvary (2,000 aerial, 2,000 ground)
- 4,000 infantry (2,000 aerial, 2,000 ground)
- 4,000 mages (2,000 aerial, 2,000 ground)
- 2,000 logisticians (1,000 aerial, 1,000 ground)
- 2,000 medics (1,000 aerial, 1,000 ground)
- 2,000 scouts (1,000 aerial, 1,000 ground)

gavel Governance

1. Remain loyal to your station and do not desert your post under any circumstances unless given direct orders by your superiors to do so. If you are required to leave for an extended period of time, you must give your superiors three months’ advance notice. Deserting will be met with the harshest punishment, up to and including discharge from the organization.
2. Obey all orders from your superiors without question. If even one Subjugator fails to do their part, the whole operation will be at risk.
3. Treat your peers and superiors with respect. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated. Use of foul language in front of or directed towards a superior will also not be tolerated.
4. The safety of all Subjugators is more important than that of an individual soldier.
5. It is considered a privilege and an honor to be a Subjugator. Take pride in your duties and do not abuse your status.
5. Subjugators are eligible to retire at the age of 65, though they are free to continue serving as long as they are able. If a Subjugator chooses to retire, they and their family will receive a pension equal to 75% of their salary during active duty.
6. Should a Subjugator be permanently disabled as a consequence of serving in combat, they and their family will be recompensed with disability pay equal to 80% of their salary during active duty.

Daily life
1. Subjugators shall be paid every two weeks or as the situation allows.
2. Subjugators are given three meals a day and are rationed alcohol weekly unless they are under 18. Alcohol is only to be consumed during the evening meal. Possession and consumption of alcohol at any other time is forbidden, and one is forbidden from consuming more than their given ration.
3. Subjugators sent on supply missions are forbidden from consuming any of the supplies they gather before they return.
4. Subjugators must wear their Duskwing Armor and have their equipment (mainhand weapons, Magicaster and Holster, Connection Orb) on hand and in top condition at all times.
5. If any Subjugator turns Aberrant, they are to be dispatched immediately to prevent further casualties and infection.

1. All cadets must partake in the Bonding Ceremony and summon a pactbeast in order to be inducted into the Duskwing Syndicate organization.
3. Pets are not allowed at Stormhold due to the risk of disease and aggression towards other Subjugators and pactbeasts. If a cadet arrives with a pet, they will be ordered to release their pet before they can partake in the Bonding Ceremony.

1. You are responsible for caring for and training your pactbeast. It is expected that you treat your pactbeast with respect and that you train them to interact with other Subjugators and their pactbeasts in a respectable manner. Abuse and neglect will not be tolerated.
2. Once summoned, pactbeasts are bound to their summoner as long as they remain in the organization and cannot be transferred to another individual. Additionally, the Bonding Ceremony cannot be redone once completed.
3. Subjugators can only have one pactbeast at a time.
4. Should a Subjugator die while their pactbeast lives, their Genesis Brace will be returned to the organization and reset, and their pactbeast retired. Should the reverse happen, the Subjugator shall be recompensed with another pactbeast of the same kind; rarely they may be asked to change to a different role and be retrained as such, as well as given a new pactbeast to fit that role.
5. Pactbeasts and their Genesis Braces are organizational property. Should a Subjugator leave the organization in any way, whether it be via defection or discharge, their Genesis Brace shall be returned to the organization, their bond with their pactbeast permanently and irrevocably severed, and their pactbeast retired.

Leadership and line of succession
1. Should the current High Commander be incapacitated or retire, the role shall pass to the High Lieutenant. The new High Commander must choose their successor among the remaining Division Commanders before nightfall.
2. Should the current High Lieutenant be incapacitated or retire, the High Commander must choose a replacement among the remaining Division Commanders before nightfall.
3. Should both High Commander and High Lieutenant become incapacitated or retire, two of the remaining Division Commanders shall take on their respective roles.
4. Should any of the above happen, or should a Division Commander be incapacitated or retire, a new Division Commander must be chosen among the remaining senior officers in the impacted division before nightfall.
5. A High Lieutenant must have served as a Division Commander for at least one year and is required to continue mentoring those in their division.
6. A Division Commander must have successfully completed at least three high-profile missions.

Relationships with others
1. If one defects from the organization or is dishonorably discharged, they will be permanently blacklisted as outsiders and traitors to be killed on sight.
2. Medics must treat all members equally, regardless of personal history or faction.
3. No Subjugator can neglect someone in pain or danger, even if they are from an enemy faction.
4. Do not needlessly hurt or kill others unless they are outside the law or if it is necessary for self-defense.


  • Scolding

  • Public humiliation

  • Assigning a Subjugator menial or demeaning tasks below their station

  • Docking and withholding of pay

  • Detaining a Subjugator for extra training

  • Suspending a Subjugator from training

  • Grounding a Subjugator in Stormhold or at camp

  • Imprisonment

  • Demotion of rank

  • Dismissing a Subjugator from their Subjugation and demotion to outcast

  • Discharge

  • Execution

location_on Locations
business Purpose
thumbs_up_down Politics
create Notes
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Character chevron_right Occupation link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

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Item chevron_right Magical effects link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Item chevron_right Description link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

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Item chevron_right Description link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Duskwing Syndicate

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Building chevron_right Patrols link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Building chevron_right Layout link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

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Planet chevron_right Groups link linked Duskwing Syndicate

Scene chevron_right What caused this? link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

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Group chevron_right Hierarchy link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Group chevron_right Laws link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Universe chevron_right Magic System link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Character chevron_right Desires link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

Scene chevron_right Summary link mentioned Duskwing Syndicate

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