info Overview
Name - What is Ash Blight Syndrome's name?

Ash Blight Syndrome

Description - Describe Ash Blight Syndrome.

Incurable bacterial disease in which victims either turn into ash or Aberrants/Homunculuses

Type of condition - What kind of condition is Ash Blight Syndrome?


Alternate names - What other names is Ash Blight Syndrome known by?

ABS (abbreviation)

bubble_chart Causes
Environmental factors - What environmental factors affect how contractable or effective Ash Blight Syndrome is?

  • Coming into concentrated or extended contact with Orgone particles

  • Overdosing on the Ambrosia or Ichor

Transmission - How does Ash Blight Syndrome spread?

Through air, contact with infected individuals, and contaminated objects

local_hospital Effects
Visual effects - How does Ash Blight Syndrome manifest visually?

  • Victims' skin turns metallic silver-black with glowing, pulsing indigo veins all over their bodies

  • Hands morph into claws

  • Some can grow to enormous size

Mental effects - How does Ash Blight Syndrome affect the mind?

  • Violent, erratic mood swings

  • Lapses in consciousness and memory where victims go berserk and indiscriminately attack others

  • Culminates in either death or full psychosis and loss of all sense of self, though certain higher-class Aberrants known as Homunculuses retain their intelligence and lead lower-level Aberrants

Symptoms - What are the symptoms of Ash Blight Syndrome?

  • First stage – patches of skin turn black, with indigo veins twining around the limbs soon after. Mainly visual, though slight discomfort and stiffness of muscles may occur.

  • Second stage – the victim's skin turns entirely black and indigo veins now cover the entire body. Movement becomes increasingly difficult as muscles and tendons turn to ash. The victim's skin may flake and peel particles of ash.

  • Third stage – body turns rigid, rendering movement impossible. Auditory and visual hallucinations manifest. Organ failure will begin to occur as victim's soft tissue and organs decompose into ash.

  • Fourth stage (death) – the victim's body decomposes into ash. Nothing is recoverable.

  • Fourth stage (Aberrant) – the victim's sentience degrades entirely as they become part of the Aberrant hive mind. Their bones harden into armor and their eyes turn crimson as their form morphs into that of a humanoid Aberrant. Rarely they may immediately morph into other types of Aberrants, though often mutation requires spending some amount of time in a humanoid form.

  • Fourth stage (Homunculus) – the victim retains their sentience. The outer layer of skin cracks and falls off to reveal pure white metal; they also grow a pair of wings and blades on their arms. Their eyes turn cobalt blue, and they gain the ability to control other Aberrants.

Duration - How long does Ash Blight Syndrome last?

Until the victim either dies or turns into an Aberrant or Homunculus

Prognosis - How deadly is Ash Blight Syndrome? What is the most likely outcome for those who contract it?

Once it is contracted, there is no cure

healing Treatment
Prevention - How do people keep from contracting Ash Blight Syndrome?

Dawnwing Organization Liberators are inoculated with the Ambrosia while Duskwing Syndicate Subjugators are inoculated with the Ichor; however prolonged use of both items will slowly turn the user Aberrant

Medication - What medicines help treat Ash Blight Syndrome?
Immunization - What immunizations are available for Ash Blight Syndrome?
bar_chart Analysis
date_range History
edit Notes

Animals cannot contract Ash Blight Syndrome
Some victims of Ash Blight Syndrome turn into statues made of ash

Victims contracting Ash Blight Syndrome are forced into a pact with Dovrak. If they refuse, death by decomposition into ash is all but guaranteed; if they accept, they turn into either Aberrants, or more rarely, Homunculuses

Ash Blight Syndrome brings about natural disasters, such as ash tornadoes and clouds that Aberrants use to trap and infect humans

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