info Overview
Name/First name


Age - How old is Dinesh?

  • 23 (bonding)

  • 38 (present)

Gender - What is Dinesh’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Dinesh go by?

Role - What is Dinesh’s role in your story?

face Looks
Race - What is Dinesh’s race?


Height - How tall is Dinesh?


Body type

Muscular, broad-shouldered

Eye color - What is Dinesh’s eye color?

Golden brown

Skin tone


Hair color - What color is Dinesh’s hair?

Dark brown


Short, wavy

Facial hair - What facial hair does Dinesh have?

  • Beard, short

  • Mustache, short

fingerprint Nature

Wields the shadow-imbued battleaxe Darkstrike

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dinesh have?

  • Gruff and sharp-tongued

  • Despises the Dawnwing Organization and wishes to destroy them at all costs

  • Views the Dawnwing Organization as weak and foolish as they cling blindly to values and ideals that will do naught but drag them down, though he mellows out somewhat by the second series

  • Shares a close bond with his Guardian Uriah

Motivations - What motivates Dinesh most?

Wants the Duskwing Syndicate to win at all costs

Talents - What talents does Dinesh have?

  • Veteran Champion and master axe wielder; fights in a feral, vicious style

  • Can generate enormous sonic waves and create the Ichor thanks to Uriah's gifts

forum Speech & Communication

Iranian accent


Is rarely emotive

Eye contact

Direct eye contact


Doesn't gesture



Resting expression


How this character speaks

Gruff, formal

Speech Style


groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Dinesh’s favorite animal?


Favorite color - What is Dinesh’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Dinesh’s favorite weapon?
Languages spoken


Occupation - What is Dinesh’s occupation?

info History
Background - What is Dinesh’s background?

Dinesh was once an honorable man who dreamed of becoming a lawyer. However, while he was studying as a university student, Dinesh was wrongly accused of fraud by one of his rivals – an incredibly charismatic and popular lawyer who influenced even the mayor of their hometown – who also ended up being the judge for his trial. As such, all evidence pointing to Dinesh's innocence was promptly thrown out and he was jailed for five years, barring him from his dream. Worse, his rival would only grow in power over time, spreading his corruption beyond their hometown as he ascended to the ranks of the nobility – and thus threatening the integrity of the continent at large. As such, Dinesh grew to abhor and distrust the justice system, viewing it as an easily corrupted institution that would only side with those who carried influence, power, and wealth.

After he was released, Dinesh joined the Duskwing Syndicate due to his desire to find someone strong who could help him achieve his dream of twisted salvation. As Uriah shares similar views as he, Dinesh sought out and became the manticore's Champion, and together the two rose to lead the Duskwing Syndicate.

Socioeconomic Cass


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Dinesh have?
history Changelog
edit Notes

Is the first Duskwing Syndicate Champion to bond with a Guardian

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Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Dinesh

Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Dinesh

Group chevron_right Members link linked Dinesh

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Dinesh

Building chevron_right Owners link linked Dinesh

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Dinesh

Character chevron_right Clearest memory link mentioned Dinesh

Character chevron_right Mannerisms link mentioned Dinesh

Deity chevron_right Description link mentioned Dinesh

Deity chevron_right Mannerisms link mentioned Dinesh

Character chevron_right Other names link mentioned Dinesh

Tradition chevron_right Activities link mentioned Dinesh

Building chevron_right Roles link mentioned Dinesh

Group chevron_right Hierarchy link mentioned Dinesh

Creature chevron_right Notable features link mentioned Dinesh

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