info Overview
Name - What is Orthrus's name?




Other Names - What other names is Orthrus known by?


Description - How would you describe Orthrus?

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Orthrus looks like physically?

  • Strix

  • Orange eyes

  • Large avian body with storm-gray plumage

  • Pair of earlike tufts of feathers on the head

  • Large, round eyes

  • Gray-black curved, hooked beak

  • Gray-white inner wing feathers

  • Gray scaly legs with 4 long, sharp talons on each foot, 3 pointing forward and 1 pointing back

  • Feathery tail

fingerprint Nature

Observing the stars


  • Shares a close bond with his Champion Ashton and is always seen at his side

  • Is a loner and tends to keep to himself

  • Will not hesitate to serve and protect those who have won his loyalty

chat_bubble_outline Speech and Communication

British accent


Is not emotive

Eye contact

Steady eye contact


Doesn't gesture


Slightly hunched

Resting expression


Speech style

Brusque, reserved, to the point

grade Powers

  • Shadow, poison, and graviton conjuration and manipulation

  • Can conjure shadow and miasma storms by flapping his wings or screeching

  • Can fire venomous feather flechettes from his wings

  • Telepathy


  • Expert hunter and fighter with powerful talons

  • Is the quietest of the Guardians

  • Silent flight, excellent hearing, and ability to see even the smallest details in the dark

thumbs_up_down Symbolism
import_contacts Rituals
date_range History
Life Story - What is Orthrus's life story?

Orthrus was created along with the other eighteen Guardians by Eirene, the first Guardian and the creator of Eridya. Under her guidance, Orthrus created the moon and the stars, as well as nocturnal avians and bats, before making his home in the Granite Hollow. From there, he watched over the world with the other Guardians, and was worshipped by humans and animals alike as they collaborated to help Eridya flourish.

However, trouble arose when the people of Valya unveiled a creation meant to rival Eirene herself – an enormous black dragon named Dovrak. When they lost control of their creation, who began rampaging across Eridya and wounded the Tree of Life in the process, Orthrus worked with the other Guardians and humans to drive back the threat in what became the Nightbringer War. Orthrus was among many of the Guardians seeking retribution for Valya's actions, which ultimately came to pass as Valya was sunk under the sea and its Guardians sealed away, bringing the total number of Guardians down to sixteen.

500 years later, he convened along with the rest of the Guardians in a Grand Council after being alerted of a premonition of Dovrak being revived as well as the rise of an enemy faction named the Duskwing Syndicates. After quite some back and forth, they came to the consensus that they should seek out the aid of Champions in the dual hope that the Champions' presence would not only keep the Guardians together but also strengthen their defenses against the Duskwing Syndicates. They decided to search among young adults between 18-23 years old, as children would be unable to harness the Guardians' power.

Orthrus managed to find a Champion and trained with them up until the Twilight War began, in which he was shocked to find that five of the Guardians had turned against the rest. Despite this, Orthrus fought with all he could to drive back the enemy and protect Eridya's peace. Ultimately, he and the other Guardians on Eirene’s side emerged victorious and managed to push back the Duskwing Syndicates.

After the war ended, Orthrus helped found the Dawnwing Organizations along with the other Survivors, offering his talisman to be sealed away for protection. That done, he returned home to roam and watch over Eridya once more.

Fifteen years before the present day, word spread that Dovrak and the Duskwing Syndicates had returned, led by the Rogues who had broken out of their prison. Noting this threat, Eirene reluctantly realized that the remaining Guardians had no choice but to bond with Champions if they have any hope of pushing back the invaders, especially as they were also weakened significantly from the prolonged separation from their talismans. Gathering the remaining Guardians together, Eirene ordered them to seek out Champions once more. Orthrus bonded with Ashton as the latter wished to repent for his sins, and along with the others formed a new generation of Champions who moved to lead the Dawnwing Organizations, training their forces for Dovrak's return.

supervisor_account Family
edit Notes
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