info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Glanz-Terres (post war)

Description - How would you describe Glanz-Terres (post war)?

Glanz-Terres, but post the war of the gods

date_range History
edit Notes
This universe contains...
9 characters reorder
15 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Muxinal's Whip A very sharp, thorny cat o' nine tails
emoji_events Jora's Cloak A cloak that seems attuned to the water
emoji_events Onisoxhe's Dagger A very deadly dagger
emoji_events Roxco's Staff An unpredictable staff of great power
emoji_events Nixie's Cloak A beautiful fur cloak that protects its wearer
emoji_events Rikaxtus' Shield A shield that seems to absorb magical damage
emoji_events Kizaxku's Staff A staff with a skull on the top that seems to pierce into the very soul of anyone who looks at it
emoji_events Eldi's Book A strange book that grants temporary bonuses
emoji_events Kelda's Mace A weapon that drains vitality with every hit
emoji_events Phyxar's Armor Dark armor that makes the wearer oddly stealthy.
emoji_events Huxra's Sunblade A longsword with a glowing gem at the base of the blade.
emoji_events Ixteg's Star A palm-sized gold coin with a red star in the middle.
emoji_events Xita's Staff A staff that can summon aid in combat
emoji_events Tsxar's Katana A katana that shimmers with magical energy
emoji_events Noxomra's Ring A ring with strange regenerative powers

18 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Eldi Guardian of the Star Dragons (Former)
ac_unit Muxinal Lycoris The Translucent Mystery, Overseer of the Analysts of the Shadowslayers (Former)
ac_unit Phyxar Vesper The Affluent Detonation, Overseer of the Apothecaries of the Shadowslayers (Former)
ac_unit Kizaxku Zimri The Silence of Shattering Sound, Overseer of the Scribes of the Star Dragons (Former)
ac_unit Jora Guardian of the Noctis Swords (Former)
ac_unit Kelda Guardian of the Shadowslayers (Former)
ac_unit Nixie Guardian of the Moonwood Ravens (Former)
ac_unit Xakise The Great Goddess
ac_unit Cixana Farran The Silver Tongue, Overseer of the Warriors of the Noctis Swords (Former)
ac_unit Roxco Vedis The Impenetrable Cedar, Overseer of the Archers of the Noctis Swords (Former)
ac_unit Xita Draven The Bloody Butterfly, Overseer of the Monks of the Noctis Swords (Former)
ac_unit Huxra Altan The Necromancer of Dawn, Overseer of the Sages of the Moonwood Ravens (Former)
ac_unit Noxomra Mire The Suffocating Nightmare, Overseer of the Arcanists of the Moonwood Ravens
ac_unit Rikaxtus Wistaria The Piercing Oblivion, Overseer of the Healers of the Moonwood Ravens (Former)
ac_unit Ixteg Sevan The Azure Light, Overseer of the Rogues of the Shadowslayers (Former)
ac_unit Tsxar Zelimir The Silent Mystery, Overseer of the Librarians of the Star Dragons (Former)
ac_unit Onisohxe Klass The Crystalline Cage, Overseer of the Seekers of the Star Dragons (Former)
ac_unit Eiknyr The False God

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