info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

A Reign of Kings

Description - How would you describe A Reign of Kings?

King Arthur by way of A Game of Thrones

Genre - What genre best describes A Reign of Kings?


date_range History
History - What is A Reign of Kings’s history?

The Old King had nearly achieved his goal, nearly brought the entire realm to heel. And yet, in his hubris and his lust, he was brought short. Uther failed, and fell, and died, and the realm shattered once again.

A quarter century has passed and the uneasy stalemate brought on by Uther’s death is shifting once again. In the West, the heir of the Pendragon, Arthur, has been crowned by the thrice-cursed sorcerer, Merlin. Though still half a boy, lords and ladies have been flocking to his side. In the hard lands of the North, a grim council of war has been formed by the eleven strongest kings and lords seeking to oppose Arthur’s advance. From the East, Morgana le Fay has made pilgrimage to Arthur’s court swearing her undying love and fealty to her half brother. Yet how undying can the fealty be of a woman who has already seen three husbands pass this mortal realm? And what of the deep South, where an exiled king from the Sunlit Lands has landed? Will they be friend or foe? In recent years the fae courts of the MISTY ISLE have left the world of man to their own devices, but as the balance of power shifts, perhaps Summer or Winter may sense a chance to reign eternal.

Westernesse is a land of deeply divided loyalties and great opportunity. What will you make of it?

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in A Reign of Kings?

Normal Earth physics, though magic may alter specific events.

edit Notes
  • person Owner
  • person Will Lentz

    Created universe over 4 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Todd Jansson

    Invited over 1 year ago

This universe contains...
103 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Vivienne Enigmatic Empowering Entity
group Astlabor of Gilead
group Evaine Redfield
group Britomart
group Abel Attali Old Soldier
group Tarek Ammar Spymaster
group Assem Tahan Trusted Lieutenant
group Roland Bitters Exiled Knight
group Rihana bint Rabi Vanguard
group Samira Katibi Mistress of the Purse
group Gorlois Lothane
group Syr Owain
group Pate Rebel Leader
group Edmund Bitters Poet
group The Questing Beast
group Safir
group Laudine Landuc Lady of the Fountain
group Auberon King
group Tor Peasant
group Honna
group Cullin Thorne Shapeshifter
group Anton Darrow Knight
group Jasen Bollard Knight
group Lancelot Lockland Knight in Shining Armor
group Morgan Tud Doctor
group Gawain Lothane Knight
group Sten
group Lander Former Steward
group Labyrinth
group Shala Companion
group Morgana le Fey Evil Queen
group Aden Norr Lovable Rogue
group Garrett Everland
group Busirane Wizard Classic
group Taleisin Bard
group Halewyn Royal Consort
group Feirefiz
group Lamia Royal Consort
group Palomedes
group Aibell
group Belacane Queen of Zazamanc
group Algovale de Galis
group Gahmuret of Anjou
group Urisk The Hunter
group Aelroth
group Morien de Galis
group Tam Lyn
group Mab Queen of Winter
group Myrical
group Robin Redfield The Trickster
group Cambina
group Rhiannon Seer
group Bagdemagus Ruler of Gorre
group Caelia Lady in Waiting
group Cathbad
group Ysbaddaden
group Enide Oldwood Lady and Knight
group Titania The High Queen
group Loren Marche
group Erec Oldwood Lady and Knight
group Lady of the Lake
group Ulf Dryford
group Agravaine Lothane
group Branwen
group Ellerie Blackwood Spy
group Nimue Fool for Love
group Robin Goodfellow The Trickster
group Hugh Maddocke Knight
group Annys Nettles
group Maleagant Powyll Radier
group Mordred Turn Coat
group Isolde Lady and Knight
group Eldon Smythe
group Hann Guernfield
group Merlyn Archmage
group Alexander the Orphan Spy
group Sebile Charyot Confidant
group Feimurgan Crone
group Caradoc the Elder
group Jocelyn Locke Lady
group Accolon Mertyns Fool for Love
group Claudas King of the Wasted Lands
group Randyll Garmon Warrior
group Myles Cordwayne Squire
group Linet Blackmyre Knight
group Reince Lord of Isles
group The Green Knight
group Gaheris Lothane Heir
group Urien Grimm Second
group Lot Lothane Evil Overlord
group Tristan Soule Knight
group Hilde Ettard Doomed Lover
group Morgause Lothane Schemer
group Blanche Pyper Lady
group Percival Warwood Knight
group Arthur Pendragon The Good King
group Hueil mab Caw Raider
group Kay Robbetts Steward
group Alyn Weyfield Squire
group Lanval Knight
group Wymond Westcliffe Squire
group Wybert Westcliffe Squire
group Guinevere Pendragon The High Queen

69 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Littlewick
terrain Saltford Battle site
terrain The Goddess' Grove
terrain Dun Clud Urien's keep
terrain Stoneroad Skirts the northern mountains.
terrain Crowsfoot A town situated where three rivers meet, creating the crow's foot shaped landmark.
terrain Maidsfield
terrain Pennymarket
terrain Wood's Town
terrain Winter's Den
terrain Woodfall Hall
terrain Oldtower
terrain Oldditch
terrain Gallowsgate
terrain Darkwater Watch
terrain Summersend
terrain Khentis
terrain Wintervale
terrain The Sapphire Lands
terrain Stoneledge
terrain Hollowoak
terrain The Ash Wilds
terrain Whitegrave
terrain Braewood Keep
terrain Fowther
terrain Dayfield
terrain Charhelm
terrain Newstone Region: Hinterlands Description: fertile, mystical, rough Settlement Trouble: important event threatened! Notable Locals Siorra is an aggressive, cooperative, talented adventurer. Siorra'...
terrain Blackhome Region: Deep Wilds Description: rich, wide, small Settlement Trouble: someone is missing! Notable Locals Akiya is a wary, dying, hardhearted mercenary. Akiya's goal is to fulfill a duty. ...
terrain Mountain Town 1 This moderate-sized town is located in the mountains and looks run-down. It is best-known for its many eccentric inhabitants. Also, rumor has it that a treasure is hidden somewhere in the town.
terrain Holy Grotto It's a huge grotto containing a pool and illustrations of people and animals carved into the walls. It's said that a demigod died here. People come here to pray and seek blessings.
terrain Gilead Fabled city-state
terrain The Misty Isle The Enchanted Isle The MISTY ISLE is home to the fae courts. The courts are masters of sorcery and magic. They are not particularly inclined to the affairs of man, but the shifting of power and ...
terrain Mab's Dungeon
terrain Shea Summer Palace
terrain Tauroc Castle of Gore
terrain Camelot Arthur's Seat of Power
terrain Shae The Summer Palace
terrain The Keep of Kerrec
terrain Cameleron
terrain Camlann
terrain Crownroad Old, needs repair badly.
terrain Longwillow
terrain Dusky River
terrain Saltwash
terrain The Bone Sea
terrain The Tomb It's a small, elaborate shrine dedicated to an incarnate deity, who it is said was buried here. People come here to seek blessings.
terrain Tree Holy Site It's a circle of eleven trees. It's said that a deity resides here.
terrain Spooky Cemetery It's a cemetary located out in the shrubland. It's been there since as long as anyone can remember. It's reported that those who visit it eventually begin behaving in strange and erratic ways. An...
terrain Palace of the Unknown God In the East
terrain The Mire
terrain Astolat
terrain Tintagel
terrain Garinges Place of Strength
terrain Laudonia Lot's Seat
terrain Sarras
terrain Isle of Glass Isle of Glass
terrain Stonehenge
terrain The Titan Isles
terrain Seastar
terrain The Sunders
terrain Midford A small but bustling town located at the main river ford.
terrain Plains Town 1 This moderate-sized town is located on the plains and has a quaint atmosphere. It is best-known for the produce it exports. Also, rumor has it that the inhabitants are hiding something.
terrain Northern Town 1 This large town is located in a valley and has a rustic atmosphere. It is best-known for its winter festival. Also, there have been many strange and unexplained disappearances over the years.
terrain Holy Waterfall It's a huge waterfall. It's said that an incarnate deity lived here. A special ceremony is conducted here on the first day of fall.
terrain Ur
terrain Gahmuret's Hall
terrain The Longstone It's a narrow stone that stands about 9 feet high. It's painted with strange symbols. It's said that a nature spirit banished an evil spirit here. It's considered too holy for people to approach.
terrain Fortriu Urien's Realm

5 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Ironturner
emoji_events Mage Chains Negate magic. Used by The Eleven to enslave mages.
emoji_events The Stone Seat Arthur's throne
emoji_events The Frozen Throne Mab's throne
emoji_events Excalibur Arthur's sword of destiny

4 conditions reorder
bubble_chart Conditions close
bubble_chart Queensblight
bubble_chart Stranger's Fever
bubble_chart The Red Death The Red Death is a highly-contagious disease that causes the victim to bleed from the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
bubble_chart Dragon's Breath

2 continents reorder
explore Continents close
explore Westernesse The European Equivalent
explore Esternesse Mediterranean, Northern Africa, Middle East, possibly Western Asian equivalent

10 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Lost Easternesse 1 This aggressive civilization was famous for its historical records, agriculture, and art. It was abandoned after a plague wiped out most of its inhabitants.
flag The Sunken Kingdom Far East. Asian.
flag Ur City-state
flag The Summer Court Fae summer kingdom The Summer Court are masters of the bright and the warm. They are noble and kind and beautiful. They are not without guile, however. They do what is necessary for the greater ...
flag The North Multiple kingdoms of [[Group-25131]] The Eleven are a grim and bitter lot. They have been fighting each other in the North for generations over land and resources. Their loyalty is first to their...
flag Lost Westernesse 1 This mystical civilization was famous for its spirituality, agriculture, and literature. It was gradually destroyed due to political infighting. Keepers are what's left of this.
flag The Sunlit Lands Pseudo Middle East/North African
flag Gilead Fabled city-state
flag The Winter Court Fae winter kingdom The Winter Court are masters of the dark and the cold. They are cruel and heartless. They are not without honour, however. They do what is necessary for the greater good of th...
flag Camelot Arthur's Kingdom

6 floras reorder
eco Floras close
eco The Deadwood A tree that grows in the most barren of places, the Deadwood is a twisted, gnarled tree that has no leaves and is covered in a dark, almost black bark. It is said that the Deadwood is the only tree...
eco Lovelace Leaves: Light clear leaves that grow asymmetrically Flowers: mottled buds that grow from the stems, and are pollinated primarily by bees Stem: clear mottled stem that prefers to grow along pathwa...
eco Scarlet Lotus-of-the-Wild (endangered) Leaves: Flexible clear leaves that grow near the roots Flowers: mottled buds that grow at the tips of the branches Stem: short mottled silver stem that prefers to grow near water Sap: cream-colo...
eco Rosewood Thorny tree with lightly scented rose like blossoms.
eco Scented Fern A fern that has a sweet, pleasant smell. It is often used in cooking. Grows in: meadows, forests, jungles, plains
eco Bloodroot A small, red flower that grows in clusters. It has a sweet, pleasant smell, but when crushed, it releases a red, sticky sap that is poisonous. meadows, forests, swamps, bogs

19 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc Arthur's Small Council Arthur has only a few trusted men and women around him. Merlin is his most powerful advisor, but he has his own network of loyal sorcerers, who are more powerful and more capable (though far less t...
wc The Red Wizards of Gwynned The Red Wizards are an odd lot, indeed. They are not a single people, but a collection of skalds, alchemists, sorcerers and rogues. Very few of them have any real power, but those that do can be a ...
wc The Bright Company Very successful mercenary company lead by Aden Norr, The Exile King.
wc The Council of the Star
wc The Summer Court Titania & Auberon's Fae Court The Summer Court are masters of the bright and the warm. They are noble and kind and beautiful. They are not without guile, however. They do what is necessary for t...
wc The Weavers Something of a combination of AGOT The Faith and Maesters. View knowledge as strands of a sacred tapestry. Offer their services as advisors but nobles are somewhat divided on their acceptance
wc Merlin's Council Merlin has built around him a court of loyal servants, sorcerers and semi-sorcerers. Some are powerful, some are weak; some are ambitious, some are not. Their loyalty is to Merlin, their ambitions ...
wc The Golden Mothers
wc The Fine Princes Mercenary Company
wc The Bloody Daughters Mercenary Company All Female
wc The Court of Talons
wc The Broken Council Rulers of the Easternesse Land where the exiled King originally came from.
wc The Silver Sons Mercenary Company
wc The Lost Legion Mercenary Company. Claim to be founded by a lost legion of the Roman equivalent.
wc The Round Table Arthur's most trusted knights
wc The Eleven The Kings of the North The Eleven are a grim and bitter lot. They have been fighting each other in the North for generations over land and resources. Their loyalty is first to their Kingdom, but...
wc Keepers of the Old Way Loyalists to the old religions and traditions The Keepers are a group of druids and sorcerers who have been watching the rise of Arthur Pendragon with great concern. They think of him as an agen...
wc Le Fay's Circle Morgana's shadow government The allies Morgana has in the court are those that have the most to gain by her rise to power. There are some in the court who are completely loyal to her and will do...
wc The Winter Court Mab's Fae Kingdom The Winter Court are masters of the dark and the cold. They are cruel and heartless. They are not without honour, however. They do what is necessary for the greater good of the...

4 religions reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 The Old Way The Druid's Faith
brightness_7 Martine Church Fill in for Christianity similar to The Seven in ASOIAF. Symbolism uses a point down sword? Similar to cross. Maybe connects to the sword in the stone? Faith plays up reverence for martyrs (Hence t...
brightness_7 Judaism Equivalent
brightness_7 Islam Equivalent

6 traditions reorder
today Traditions close
today Eventine A midwinter Martine festival marking the end of the old year and gift of a new one.
today Day of Seeds This mid-spring Martine holiday honors an important historical figure. It is marked with ritual purification, an item hunt, and singing.
today Harvestide This holiday celebrates the arrival of autumn. It is marked with a blessing ceremony, dressing in costume, and pranking.
today Romance Holiday This early winter holiday celebrates romance. It is marked with speeches, a parade, and wild romping.
today Memento Mori This late winter holiday honors the dead. It is marked with lighting special fires, a pageant play, and quiet reflection. It also marks the end of the year.
today The Midsummer's Dance

This universe was created by Will Lentz on with 1 contributor.

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