info Overview
Name - What is Laudine Landuc’s full name?

Laudine Landuc

Role - What is Laudine Landuc’s role in your story?

Lady of the Fountain

Gender - What is Laudine Landuc’s gender?


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Laudine Landuc, now known as the Lady of the Fountain, because she now lives in a beautiful fountain-filled keep at the edge of the lands of Summer. Laudine had been a foundling page assigned to Queen Titania's chamber when she had first come to the Fae, but over the years she won Titania's special favor and is allowed to come and go as she wishes. She is a member of the Summer Court, but is a mortal woman. She is a woman of great power, and she has been given a gift by Titania that allows her to visit the mortal realm. She is fascinated by the human realm and what she considers its beauty. She views the Eleven's anti-magic beliefs as a threat to that beauty and a threat to the future of the Fae.

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This character was created by Will Lentz on

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