info Overview
Name - What is The Old Way's name?

The Old Way

Description - How is The Old Way usually described?

The Druid's Faith

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edit Notes

The Old Way is the faith of the Druids. It is a faith based on nature and on the power of nature. It is a faith that seeks to understand the power of nature and to harness and use that power to further mankind and to protect mankind. It is a faith that seeks to preserve the forests and the wild, and to preserve the land and the natural habitat of man. It is a faith that seeks to preserve the wildlife, and not to destroy it. It is a faith that sees the connection between man and nature, and seeks to preserve the balance between man and nature. It is a faith that sees humans as part of the natural order and not as separate from it. It is a faith that sees man as part of a cycle and not as an end in himself. It is a faith that believes in human potential and human achievement. It is a faith that believes that man is a noble creature capable of great things, but also a creature capable of great evil. It is a faith that sees the potential for both good and evil in all. It is a belief system that teaches its followers that they must strive to make the world a better place than it was when they entered it. It is a belief system that reveres magic, but does not revere mages, sorcerers, and witches. It reveres the magic that comes from nature, but not the magic that comes from within. The Old Ways oppose the Chaining of Mages and the Chaining of Magic.

The Old Ways look on the Chaining of Mages and the Chaining of Magic as an affront to nature itself. The Old Ways worry that the Chaining of Mages and the Chaining of Magic will lead to the destruction of nature and the destruction of the balance that nature has worked so hard to maintain. The Old Ways believe that the Chaining of Mages and the Chaining of Magic will lead to mankind on a path to destruction and to the destruction of civilization. The Old Ways also believe that the Chaining of Mages and the Chaining of Magic will ultimately lead to the destruction of the balance between man and nature, an imbalance that will cause nature to lash out in anger and destroy itself. The Old Ways teach that the dependence on magic and on magic itself will lead to a world of chaos and a world of darkness. The Old Ways hold that magic is a tool to be used and that magic is a tool to be admired, but that magic is not a god to be worshipped.


This religion was created by Will Lentz on

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