The Eleven
The Kings of the North
The Eleven are a grim and bitter lot. They have been fighting each other in the North for generations over land and resources. Their loyalty is first to their Kingdom, but Merlin's promise of a united struggle against Arthur has forced them to put their differences aside. They are a proud, noble bunch, however, and the advent of Arthur's army has forced some of them to look towards their own survival.
The North, The Alliance, The independent kingdoms
The Eleven are a grim and bitter lot. They have been fighting each other in the North for generations over land and resources. Their loyalty is first to their Kingdom, but Merlin's promise of a united struggle against Arthur has forced them to put their differences aside. They are a proud, noble bunch, however, and the advent of Arthur's army has forced some of them to look towards their own survival.
This group was created by Will Lentz on
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