info Overview
Name - What is Arthur Pendragon’s full name?

Arthur Pendragon

Role - What is Arthur Pendragon’s role in your story?

The Good King

Other names - What other aliases does Arthur Pendragon go by?

The True King, The Pendragon

Gender - What is Arthur Pendragon’s gender?


Age - How old is Arthur Pendragon?


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fingerprint Nature
date_range History
edit Notes

Handsome, red haired Arthur Pendragon is early in his rule, but a powerful and honorable man. He had been raised in secret by his foster family, the Robbetts until he pulled the sword from the stone and his true heritage as Uther's heir was revealed. He was raised to believe in right and wrong as knights and shining armor, not conniving courtiers and darker plots and thus Arthur is apparently unaware of the subtle way members of court plot against him to steal his power.

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This character was created by Will Lentz on

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