info Overview
Name - What is Guinevere Pendragon’s full name?

Guinevere Pendragon

Role - What is Guinevere Pendragon’s role in your story?

The High Queen

Other names - What other aliases does Guinevere Pendragon go by?


Gender - What is Guinevere Pendragon’s gender?


Age - How old is Guinevere Pendragon?


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edit Notes

Fair skinned with long blonde hair, Guinevere's figure was slim and tall, her bearing graceful and proud. She is strikingly beautiful, but always a little serious and sad. She does not think life is always rosy, but she never thinks of herself as lonely either. Her eyes are dark, but always burn with a profound intelligence that makes her seem older than she is. She is determined not to look past anyone or judge them because of their appearance or place in life; this leaves her open-hearted and gives her a wisdom beyond the years of most.

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This character was created by Will Lentz on

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