info Overview
Name - What is Morgan Tud’s full name?

Morgan Tud

Role - What is Morgan Tud’s role in your story?


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Age - How old is Morgan Tud?


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edit Notes

The silver-haired Morgan Tud had the air of a counselor, and was often called upon to heal battle wounds or counsel the troubled king. He was a fixture at Uther's court that carried out into Arthur's reign as well. He has spent decades showing mercy to the sick and helping them heal when everyone else thought them beyond help.

Morgan Tud is the aged court surgeon. He is a short, stocky man with a very crooked nose. He is in his sixties, grey-haired, but his eyes are sharp and his mind is clear. He is a skilled physician and a skilled herbalist. He has been a court surgeon for decades and has a wealth of knowledge about medicine and about the natural world. He is a kind and caring man and he will only give advice when it is necessary. His advice is always sound, though. He has a natural empathy and he is a skilled negotiator.


This character was created by Will Lentz on

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