info Overview
Name - What's the name of Acherion?


Description - How would you describe Acherion?

Acherion is a fair sized planet, with two main continents, there are 4 different nations split between these continents. While throughout history there has been conflicts; these nations are currently at peace

layers Geography
Size - How big is Acherion?

Acherion is an average sized planet, with a radius of 8,091

Surface - What is the surface of Acherion like?

The surface of Acherion is quite textured, with two mountain ranges and many smaller hills surrounding them.

Climate - What's the climate on Acherion like?

Acherions climate vastly varies depending on your location, for example temperatures in The Desolate Wastes are freezing cold for the whole year, but in The Dead Basin temperatures are boiling hot

Weather - What's the weather like on Acherion?

Rain is a quite often occurrence in most parts of Acherion. During some times of the year however, specifically Sunpeak; the average rain drops significantly

Water Content - What's the water content like on Acherion?

Many fresh lakes and ponds decorate Acherions surface and the oceans surrounding the two continents are full of salt water.

Natural Resources - What natural resources are there on Acherion?

The world of Acherion is full of many different resources, from wood, to gemstones; even Iron and exotic metals imported.

fireplace Climate
Seasons - What seasons are there on Acherion?

There are four seasons on Acherion, Stormfall (Autumn), Frostrich (Winter), Lightrise (Spring), and Sunpeak (Summer)

Temperature - How hot does Acherion get? How cold? What's the average temperature?

At summer The Dead Basin, Acherion gets to be upwards of 50🜘, In winter The Desolate Wastes can be below -80🜘.

The average temperature due to these extremes is somewhere in the -40s or

Atmosphere - What does the atmosphere consist of on Acherion?

Acherion's atmosphere consists of 70% Nitrogen, 29% Oxygen, 0.5% Iethenese (A rare gas released from deep mining), 0.2% Ebrum Dust (Edrum is highly durable metal, when forged it reacts with oxygen and nitrogen in the air to create (NO2)3Er, a highly toxic gas), and 0.3% of other trace gases.

Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common on Acherion?

Acherion has few serious natural disasters, the most grave being heavy rain (snow or hail are more common in colder climates), high heat levels, high water levels, and minor earthquakes.

hourglass_empty Time
Length Of Day - How long is daytime on Acherion?

The length of day varies depending on the season and location you are at, the shortest is in the northern reaches of The Desolate Wastes where on the winter midnight, the sun will set before it rises. (This awe inspiring phenomenon is caused by Estia (the moon orbiting the moon), catching up to the sun and reflecting its light as Estia travels through the sky, causing a temporary second sun).

The longest day also takes place in The Desolate Wastes, where the sun stays in the sky for the entire day on the Festival of the Stars.

Length Of Night - How long is night time on Acherion?

The length of darkness varies depending on the season and location you are at, the shortest is in the northern reaches of The Desolate Wastes where there is no night during the Festival of the Stars.

The longest night takes place in The Desolate Wastes before and after the white midnight, when the entire calendar day is dark.

Calendar System - What's the calendar system like on Acherion?

Acherion has 10 months (Beginning, Preservation, Reaping, Freezing, Telling, Midpoint, Calefaction, Sowing, Drought, and End), each month has exactly 42 days, split into 7 weeks with 6 days each. A cycle of 7 years is also shown on the calendar, each with a different name (Creation, Dawn, Midday, Full Moon, Midnight, Dusk, and Cataclysm), and different constellations.

Night sky - What does the sky look like at night on Acherion?

While the night sky is full of stars throughout the entire cycle, the constellations change wildly depending on which part of the cycle you are in, for example, Creations stars will be completely different than Full Moons stars. The only constant in the night sky = is Ercusta (Acherions moon) and its satellite Estia (The moons moon), and the bright fiery background that fills the sky. No one knows why the night sky is the color of fire.

Day sky - What does the sky look like during the day on Acherion?

The days in Acherion look mostly the same. The stars disappear as the moons set, and the sun Hrangit rises, sometimes during the setting and rising of the sun, onlookers will witness a brilliant flash of blue, this is from a smaller sun that orbits Hrangit named Necian.

star_border Astral
Suns - Does Acherion have any suns?

Acherion has one sun that it orbits around named Hrangit. However, sometimes during the setting or rising of the sun there is a flash of blue from a smaller sun, Necian that orbits Hrangit.

Moons - Does Acherion have any moons? If so, what are they?

Acherion has one moon that orbits it called Ercusta, a smaller moon called Estia orbits this moon. Both can be seen during the night sky

Orbit - What does Acherion's astral orbit look like?

Acherion orbits Hrangit in a perfect circle, with Ercusta orbiting it, and Estia orbiting Ercusta.

Visible Constellations - What constellations are visible from Acherion?

There are many constellations visible throughout the sky, While the constellations change throughout the year, some of the most well known include Trichechus (The Great Fish), The White Jackal, and Phoca Minor

date_range History
First Inhabitants Story - How did the first inhabitants arrive on this planet?

Long ago Achaiyx, The Forgotten, created the world. spinning the invisible threads of the universe into being; eos created thought, light, and matter. Over multiple years eos slowly sculpted life into the world, creating each creature with the roll of a die.
Achaiyx, The Forgotten sculpted the land in his perfect eye, creating each mountain and forest exactly where eos know it would be needed. At the very center of the world eos created a vault; burying it below the world's deepest ocean where it would lay sealed until needed.
Having created the world and filling it with life, Achaiyx, The Forgotten knew it would not last. He crafted a weapon finer than any other out of eir own flesh; Infusing his own conscious into it so any who bore it would gain his knowledge. With armor to accompany it eos sealed it in a vault hidden below the surface; which would remain sealed until an era of great change came.

World History - What is the world history of Acherion?

Achaiyx, The Forgotten created the world in the very first year, during the True Beginning, it took three years for him to finish creating the world, after which he turned a piece of his own body into a sword that would one day be used to destroy a great evil.

The Era of Myth, which lasted from 0004 - 509, was a time of great wonders, many brilliant creations were forged, with new aspects of Telling
being found.

The Era of War, which began in 510, and lasted until 1092 was a time of great violence and brutality, many wars were fought during this time period, wiping out most settlements and a large portion of the population. Over time most relics and ruins from this time have been wiped to dust; those that have survived being some of the most dangerous to have been created.

edit Notes
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