info Overview
Local name - What do the people of Maotet call it?


Other names - What other names is Maotet called?

The Northlands

Description - What is Maotet's description?

Maotet is the Northern Continent in Acherion, both The Alpine Fields and The Desolate Wastes are considered part of the continent. Over all it is a harsh cold climate, with northern temperatures dropping deep into the negatives often

terrain Geography
Area - How large is Maotet?

Maotet is the smaller of the two continents, having roughly the same surface area as South America.

Shape - What is Maotet shaped like?

Maotet's shape resembles a waning crescent with a cancerous growth in the center.

Population - How many people live in Maotet?

Maotet's population is spread mostly over The Alpine Fields, with roughly 10,000 people in Maotet.

Topography - How would you describe the topography of Maotet?

Matotet's topography is quite hilly in the southern region, with the Falcord Slopes taking up a large portion of The Alpine Fields; in the north however large swaths of The Desolate Wastes are flat tundras.

Mineralogy - What minerals or other kinds of rocks are there in Maotet?

Maotet has large veins of cold bronze in The Desolate Wastes, with plenty of other rare gems & metals laying untouched deep under the surface.

Bodies of water - What large bodies of water are there in Maotet?

there are three main bodies of water in and around Maotet; The Berbrous Ocean, The White Depths, and Turtle Cove.

Regional advantages - What regional advantages does Maotet have?

While most stay away from Maotet due to its freezing climates, few people travel and live here to exploit the vast and untouched minerals that lay deep beneath the surface. While the continent does not have as many minerals (or quite the variety) that Plasis has, its lack of competition is a huge attractant.

Regional disadvantages - What regional disadvantages does Maotet have?

Maotet is quite a cold continent, a large portion of its area is filled with frigid weathers (below -40🜘) causing it to be very hard to grow crops, the lower portion of The Alpine Fields does have mild weather, allowing for crops to be grown an exported. However a large portion of Maotet's crop supply comes exported from Plasis.

face Culture
Demonym - What are the people that live in Maotet called?

Northerners, Ice landers (often used for the most northern peoples).

Politics - What are the politics like in Maotet?

Maotets politics are quite open and friendly, nobles and the wealthy often dont resort to lying and backstabbing, instead deciding to work together to achieve common goals.

Economy - What is the economy like in Maotet?

Maotets economy is surprisingly quite good, the general populace all has decent wealth they get from exporting Maotets specialty crops.

Architecture - What is the architectural style in Maotet?

Maotet architecture relies heavily on brick & stone structures with tall peaked roofs. in the northern regions (The Desolate Wastes) massive hearths are incorporated into the rooms to produce heat.

Reputation - What is Maotet's reputation?

Maotet is known to be a very cold continent. With many bandits in the less populated areas one must be armed at all times lest they be robbed.

local_florist Nature
Crops - What crops are usually grown in Maotet?

Maotet has many different crops that grow within its borders; from the Bronze Fir Trees in The Desolate Wastes to the Glacierberry. The continent of Maotet as a whole exports lots of specialty crops to Plasis.

fireplace Climate
Temperature - How hot does it get in Maotet? How cold?

Maotets temperatures on average are quite cold. The northern regions temperatures are between -40🜘 & -90🜘, while in the more southern regions you can find a more mild 5🜘 To 15🜘.

Seasons - What are the seasons like in Maotet?

Maotet has the same four seasons as the rest of Acherion; Stormfall (Autumn), Frostrich (Winter), Lightrise (Spring), and Sunpeak (Summer). Unlike the rest of the world however, there is less change

Humidity - How humid is it in Maotet?

Maotet is a rather unhumid continent, ranging from 0% - 10% at the maximum.

Precipitation - What kind of precipitation does Maotet experience? How often?

Maotet experiences large amounts rain fall (often you can find snow or hail in The Desolate Wastes).

Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common in Maotet?

Maotet suffers from alot of hail and blizzards, with minor earthquakes and some avalanches from the mountain ranges.

date_range History
local_florist Nature
edit Notes
fireplace Climate
date_range History
edit Notes
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This continent was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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