info Overview
Name - What's the name of this country?

The Desolate Wastes

Description - How would you describe The Desolate Wastes?

The Desolate Wastes is one of the 4 main regions in Acherion. It is a cold, mostly barren wasteland on the northern reaches of Acherion

Other names - What other names is The Desolate Wastes known by?

The Frozen Wastes, "That god cursed frozen tundra"

face Culture
Population - What is the population of The Desolate Wastes?

The Desolate Wastes is a mostly empty region, its freezing weather being a major deterrent to immigrants. As such, the population of the region is only about 1,000.

Social hierarchy - How is the population separated into hierarchical classes?

There is currently only one settlement in the Desolate Wastes named Neverrock. The people in Neverrock believe that all people are born equal. All houses are the same, and none may make more money than their fellows. however there is one person who lives above all others in Neverrock, Khimah; he is the one person who lives in extreme wealth.

Currency - What currency is used in The Desolate Wastes?

While there are many currencies that fill the lands of Acherion, the Sovereign Caode is the currency most widely used all across Acherion. Other more minor currencies in the Desolate Wastes includes the bandits shilling (used by bandits and other criminals across Acherion); Crescent Gold is another currency used mainly for buying and selling rare materials.

Laws - What are the major laws in The Desolate Wastes?

In the town of Neverrock,

terrain Geography
date_range History
edit Notes
The Desolate Wastes appears in the following documents
Planet chevron_right Length Of Day link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Planet chevron_right Climate link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Planet chevron_right Temperature link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Planet chevron_right Length Of Night link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Planet chevron_right Countries link linked The Desolate Wastes

Town chevron_right Country link linked The Desolate Wastes

Location chevron_right Description link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Building chevron_right Description link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Language chevron_right Other names link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Location chevron_right Type link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Location chevron_right Area link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Location chevron_right Located at link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Location chevron_right Climate link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Location chevron_right Language link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Country chevron_right Bordering countries link linked The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Countries link linked The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Description link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Planet chevron_right Population link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Topography link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Mineralogy link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Architecture link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Crops link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Precipitation link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

Continent chevron_right Temperature link mentioned The Desolate Wastes

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