info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Neverrock?

A small fishing town on the northern-most reaches of of Acherion. It is the only civilized settlement in the Desolate Wastes. Approximately 1,000 call it home; mostly Nadinae, some human. Neverrock is governed by a senate of elected representatives, led by a male Dwarf named Khimah. A notable place is The Clock Tower. A magical clock, set into a monolith of polished agate. It was constructed by a dwarven wizard long ago, and has kept perfect time since.

Other names - What other names is Neverrock known by?

Neverrock is known by no other names

group Populace
map Layout
face Culture
date_range History
autorenew Sustainability
edit Notes
Country chevron_right Towns link linked Neverrock

Character chevron_right Condition(s) link mentioned Neverrock

Planet chevron_right Towns link linked Neverrock

Country chevron_right Social hierarchy link mentioned Neverrock

Country chevron_right Laws link mentioned Neverrock

This town was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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