info Overview
Local name - What do the people of Plasis call it?


Other names - What other names is Plasis called?

Plasis is known as the burning lands by many travellers.

Description - What is Plasis's description?

Plasis is the Southern Continent in Acherion, both The Golden Pastures
and The Dead Basin are considered part of the continent. its average temperature is roughly 37🜘. With more northern temperatures being more milder, and southern temperatures being extreme.

terrain Geography
Area - How large is Plasis?

Plasis is known as the larger of the two continents, having a surface area roughly the same size as North America.

Shape - What is Plasis shaped like?

Plasis' shape is often described as a compressed fish hook; with the Shellgue Peninsula being the hook, and the rest of Plasis being the eye.

Population - How many people live in Plasis?

Plasis' population is mainly concentrated into The Golden Pastures
, with almost 100,000 people in the continent.

Topography - How would you describe the topography of Plasis?

Plasis' topography is mostly hilly, with Whitehaven Peaks covering The Golden Pastures
, and The Burning Hills covering The Dead Basin.

Mineralogy - What minerals or other kinds of rocks are there in Plasis?

Plasis is Acherion's largest exporter of obsidian and Ebrum, with many other minerals and gems being present deep in the earth.

Bodies of water - What large bodies of water are there in Plasis?

Plasis has three main bodies of water; Turtle Cove, The Berbrous Ocean, and The Molten Tides.

Regional advantages - What regional advantages does Plasis have?

many people flock to The Golden Pastures
in hopes of tapping into its ever increasing wealth. While most who live there wont ever touch large wealth in their life, those who do become nobility. This idea that anyone can be nobility is a massive draw to many people around Acherion.

Regional disadvantages - What regional disadvantages does Plasis have?

one of Plasis biggest disadvantages is that Plasis' temperatures range wildly, in the more southern regions, many travelers have lost their lives to the extreme heats and deadly creatures. while in the more mild climates (The Golden Pastures
) one must watch out for bandits.

face Culture
Demonym - What are the people that live in Plasis called?

Southerners and Aerieus (used for those who make The Dead Basin their home. This is however incorrect, as only the fiercest warriors can be called Aerieus).

Politics - What are the politics like in Plasis?

The politics of Plasis very wildly depending on where you are. In The Dead Basin, for example, politics are almost non existent; with even the richest not trying to selfishly gain from their actions. On the flip side, The Golden Pastures
's politics are harsh and rigid, even the lowest of peasants will plot and scheme; betraying you at the first chance it will benefit them.

Economy - What is the economy like in Plasis?

Plasis' economy is quite rich, with much money coming in from exports; a large quantity of people in Plasis (especially in The Golden Pastures
) live very comfortable lives, with many different luxuries.

Architecture - What is the architectural style in Plasis?

Plasis architecture varies depending where you are; in The Dead Basin , buildings mainly use hardened mud bricks, with the wealthy nobles using obsidian, wood, and other imported materials. Meanwhile The Golden Pastures
uses simple wooden huts for peasants; and larger, more complicated multi leveled stone structures for those living in cities.

Reputation - What is Plasis's reputation?

Plasis is known as a very mild and friendly continent, with few bandits across the continent. All of this is of course wrong, Plasis is a very hot and hostile continent, with many bandits prowling across its lands.

local_florist Nature
Crops - What crops are usually grown in Plasis?

Many different warm climate plants are grown and harvested in Plasis; Garden Extinguisher Sorrel (A common fire retardant), and Blue Silkweed are just two common examples.

fireplace Climate
Temperature - How hot does it get in Plasis? How cold?

Plasis is quite a warm continent, with temperatures ranging from a mild 15🜘 in The Golden Pastures
to scalding 50🜘 in The Desolate Wastes.

Seasons - What are the seasons like in Plasis?

Seasons in Plasis are generally quite warm, in winter the northern parts of The Golden Pastures
will see light amounts of snow that quickly disappear. Meanwhile in The Dead Basin, temperatures soar above 40🜘 for most of the year.

Humidity - How humid is it in Plasis?

The most humid part of Plasis is The Enchanted Wilds, a large forest located just under Whitehaven Peaks. Many classify it as a jungle due to its dense foliage and high humidity.

Precipitation - What kind of precipitation does Plasis experience? How often?

Most of Plasis' rainfall happens in The Golden Pastures
. Specifically in the central area of the region where The Enchanted Wilds is located.

Winds - What are the winds like in Plasis?

Winds very wildly depending on where you are in Plasis. The eastern and southern coasts experience high wind speeds (especially high in winter), while the western coast has little wind. One location of note is the Whitehaven Peaks, they have extreme winds higher in the mountains.

Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common in Plasis?

Plasis has its fair share of natural disasters. Avalanches and hurricanes can happen in The Golden Pastures
, along with desert tidal waves and sinkholes in The Dead Basin .

date_range History
local_florist Nature
edit Notes
fireplace Climate
date_range History
edit Notes
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