info Overview
Name - What is Achaiyx, The Forgotten's name?

Achaiyx, The Forgotten

Description - How would you describe Achaiyx, The Forgotten?

Achaiyx is the creator of Acherene, The forgotten god who slumbers in eir hidden vault.

Other Names - What other names is Achaiyx, The Forgotten known by?

The Forgotten God, The Slumbering God

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Achaiyx, The Forgotten looks like physically?

Achaiyx takes a tall, relatively slender humanoid form. Eos usually has golden yellow hair styled slightly messy with some curls. Achaiyx has no facial hair, but bears a scar on eir right eye. Eos eyes are amber, but when they catch the light, a rainbow of colors reflects onto nearby surfaces.

Height - How tall is Achaiyx, The Forgotten?

Achaiyx is roughly 6'10"

Weight - How much does Achaiyx, The Forgotten weigh?

Achaiyx weighs in at about 70 Irons (1 Iron being about the equilivant to 2.13 Lbs)

supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
import_contacts Rituals
date_range History
edit Notes
Universe chevron_right History link mentioned Achaiyx, The Forgotten

Planet chevron_right Deities link linked Achaiyx, The Forgotten

Planet chevron_right First Inhabitants Story link mentioned Achaiyx, The Forgotten

Universe chevron_right Origin link mentioned Achaiyx, The Forgotten

Planet chevron_right World History link mentioned Achaiyx, The Forgotten

Magic chevron_right Deities link linked Achaiyx, The Forgotten

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