info Overview
Name - What is the name of Telling ?


Description - How would you describe Telling ?

Acherions magic system (Often called Telling by its inhabitants) is based around truth and lie. Often split into two parts; Veravda, and Lozhir. While both change reality to the users needs; Veravda is a temporary effect, causing the user great strain to hold in place. Once a Veser (Those who can change reality with truths) loses focus however, Reality slams back into place causing an Immolation. On the flipside, Lozhir is permanent, Perjir are able to trick reality into accepting what they create. While Veser are generally accepted in society, Perjir are seen as evil.

Type of magic - What type of magic is Telling ?

Telling can best be classified as creation. Both sides of the magic allow users to change reality.

flash_on Appearance
Visuals - What do the visual effects of Telling look like?

Veravda creates silvery colored manifestations, while Lozhir creates obsidian black manifestations. There are slight color variations between users, with each user having a unique coloring and tone to their power.

There are rare cases of some people being able to us both Veravda and Lozhir. Documentation tells of creations that resemble Snowflake Obsidian in coloring.

Effects - What effects does Telling have?

Telling can manipulate reality, It reacts to the intense emotions that its users feel, to rise up and manifest what it thinks would best help the user in that moment. More experienced users are able to clearly define what it is they need, and are able to control how much power comes out. Allowing them to have less violent outbursts of power.

Aftereffects - What visual effects persist after Telling ?

After a Veravda manifestation expires (whether by lack of Osinium or faltering of concentration) an Immolation is triggered. Immolations are when reality forces itself back in place, violently fixing whatever a Vesser has created. Usually this results in the very laws of the universe being temporarily rewritten in the local area. Any living or sentient being caught in an immolation would simply cease to exist their memories and experiences vanishing.

flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Telling have?

Telling allows its users to manipulate reality, creating manifestations to aid them in different scenarios. ancient civilizations used to use Lozhir to create mechanisms they built into their cities, creating wonderous creations of magic and science.

Negative effects - What negative effects does Telling have?

There are multiple negative sides to Telling. From the immolations that occur after Veravda, or the fact that if you do not have enough Osinium to sustain a manifestion, it will begin eating you. Your magic will begin to eat your memories, thoughts, feelings, and eventually once there is nothing left, you. Veravda users have to be very aware of their Osinium supplies lest they experience a rupture. Where they are wiped out of existance.

Conditions - What conditions can Telling afflict?

There are two conditions that Telling can cause. Immolation and Rupture. Both are extremely dangerous, but only one can be avoided.

polymer Alignment
Morality - How good or bad is Telling ?

Telling is a system of balance, neither side (Lozhir or Veravda) are truly good or bad. By the common population however, Veravda is considered the lighter --or good side-- of telling.

lock Requirements
edit Notes

When you die you become part of a sentient pool, its kinda luck of the draw between which pool (no set of rules, just 50/50 you could be in either). That pool is connected to each user, where it swells up in response to big emotions (big fear, big anger, big happy, big sad), and takes form in what it best thinks would help you in that moment (Safety, wall. fight, sword or bow). As users become better at using it, they become better at defining what would help them, giving them better results

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This magic was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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