info Overview
Name - What is The Dark Hills’s full name?

The Dark Hills

Type - What type of location is The Dark Hills?

The Dark Hills are a series of hills that lay on the northern edge of The [[Location-252876]]

Description - Describe The Dark Hills.

The Dark Hills get their name from how for most of the day, the nearby mountain range casts a deep shadow across these hills, making it like night for almost the entire day

face Culture
Population - What is The Dark Hills’s population?

While most of the Dark Hills remains unpopulated, A group of nomadic people (The Mooncloaks) Make these hills their home at the beginning of every year.

Currency - What currencies are used in The Dark Hills?

Like the rest of Acherion, when there are people here; The Sovereign Caode.

map Geography
date_range History
edit Notes
Country chevron_right Locations link linked The Dark Hills

Planet chevron_right Locations link linked The Dark Hills

This location was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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