info Overview
Name - What is The Molten Tides’s full name?

The Molten Tides

Type - What type of location is The Molten Tides?

The Molten Tides is a deep, boiling hot ocean. Not many creature can survive its high temperatures, but those that do can be highly dangerous.

face Culture
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is The Molten Tides in?

The Molten Tides is on the eastern side of Acherion. It is a vast ocean of varying depths .

Climate - What is the climate like in The Molten Tides?

The Molten Tides are the hottest ocean in Acherion. The water itself is almost boiling (roughly 94.3🜘), causing the air above it to be a scorching 47.3🜘

date_range History
edit Notes
Planet chevron_right Locations link linked The Molten Tides

Location chevron_right Description link mentioned The Molten Tides

Continent chevron_right Bodies of water link mentioned The Molten Tides

This location was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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