info Overview
Name - What is The Enchanted Wilds’s full name?

The Enchanted Wilds

Description - Describe The Enchanted Wilds.

The enchanted wilds is a forest that covers a large portion of The Golden Pastures
. The density and tree types range wildly based on where you are. For example, in the southern parts the forest consists of a dense jungle; while in the more northern parts cedars and alders are present.

face Culture
map Geography
date_range History
edit Notes
Town chevron_right Recycling link mentioned The Enchanted Wilds

Planet chevron_right Locations link linked The Enchanted Wilds

Continent chevron_right Humidity link mentioned The Enchanted Wilds

Continent chevron_right Precipitation link mentioned The Enchanted Wilds

Creature chevron_right Description link mentioned The Enchanted Wilds

Creature chevron_right Type of creature link mentioned The Enchanted Wilds

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