info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Arcchester?

Arcchester is a large city in The Dead Basin. It consists of approximately 12,000 people; primarily yimian, some human. Two factions war openly for control of the city, a consortium of wealthy merchants and a noble aristocrat, the human lord Orstald. Two notable places in the city are The Theatre of Aloeus. A grand theatre of stone walls, home of the renowned female human wordsmith Heowe; and Rowe's Ironworks. The workshop of a male human blacksmith named Lesym Rowe, Who was once the best weaponsmith in the kingdom.

Other names - What other names is Arcchester known by?

Arcchester is known by only two names; Arcchester, and The Burning City.

group Populace
map Layout
Landmarks - What landmarks are in Arcchester?

the Theatre of Aloeus. A grand theatre of stone walls, home of the renowned female human wordsmith Heowe; and Rowe's Ironworks. The workshop of a male human blacksmith named Lesym Rowe, Who was once the best weaponsmith in the kingdom. These are two of the many interesting places that can be found in The Burning City.

face Culture
date_range History
autorenew Sustainability
edit Notes
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Planet chevron_right Towns link linked Arcchester

This town was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on

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