- What is Delram's Abyss’s full name?
Delram's Abyss
- What type of location is Delram's Abyss?
Delrams Abyss is a deep warm ocean.
- Describe Delram's Abyss.
Delram's Abyss is the deepest warm ocean in Acherion. Beaches leading into the abyss drop off rapidly, causing underwater cliffs.
- What kind of area is Delram's Abyss in?
Delram's Abyss is at the very bottom of Acherion, on a map it covers the entire warm ocean, thought definite borders have never been created between it and other oceans.
Located at
- Where is Delram's Abyss located?
Delram's Abyss is at the very bottom of Acherion.
- What is the climate like in Delram's Abyss?
Delram's abyss is a warm water ocean, with the average water temperature being just over 20🜘.
This location was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on
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