- What is Anton Carahill’s full name?
Anton Carahill
- What is Anton Carahill’s role in your story?
Anton Carahill is the master Wordsmith of Acherion. He has served in royal courts, telling stories from around the world. Over the past decades, he has travelled the world, finding lost histories and collecting stories to share.
Other names
- What other aliases does Anton Carahill go by?
Anton has been called many names, the most common of which are "The Nomad", "The Roaming Scribe", "The Wanderer", and "The Master Wordsmith"
- What is Anton Carahill’s gender?
Anton is the human equilivant of a male
- How old is Anton Carahill?
It is unknown how old Osmund is
This character was created by Octavio, Patron of Storytelling on
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